Viv Anthony Mauritius, 1-2 February 2018 Demand-Led Plant Breeding Pan Africa Educators Leadership Meeting DLB current status and phase 2 Viv Anthony Mauritius, 1-2 February 2018
DLB current programme status Phase 1 extension March-end June 2018 + USD 170k Phase 2 to commence on completion of phase 1: July 2018 – July 2012 (3 years) Target scale: USD 1.2m Build on achievements in phase 1 Positioned as a phase 2 programme not a new project SFSA/ACIAR/Crawford have ‘budget allocation’ for phase 2 BUT full formal proposal review and authorization required by all 3 donors Independent external review of phase 1 performance Proposal submission deadline 14 February
Phase 2 – Overall goal To accelerate the uptake and use of new improved crop varieties across Sub-Sahara Africa By…… Equipping breeders to design, breed and release varieties to meet needs of farmers, consumers and their value chains To connect breeders with seed and food chain organisations to catalyse enterprise and stimulate emergence of markets
Phase 2 programme objectives Continuing professional development and engagement of DLB alumni Objective 2 Accelerating variety development and adoption using policy and advocacy approaches Objective 3 Implementation of demand-led breeding in two flag- ship crop breeding programmes
Phase 2 – guiding principles for our discussions DLB community of practitioners Extend partnerships for reach and expertise Responsiveness to gender drivers Connectivity with seed organisations, release committees, food business chains Inter-African country trade – regional regulatory harmonization Market research Performance and impact driven
Performance and creating impact Donors are driven by interventions that improve the livelihoods and nutrition of smallholder farmers Enterprize, jobs and youth are also key drivers Performance measurement and impact pathways Theory of change Selection of key performance indicators is important How will we measure our performance?
Education of plant breeders How can we measure impact? Inputs Outputs Outcomes Impact/smallholders Information Products Behaviour changes People/environment Training Knowledge Know-how Training module DLB alumni database DLB varieties Smallholders
Key performance indicators – ideas? Numbers of breeders trained (number and as a % of active breeders in SSA) Numbers and percentage of women breeders in the DLB training workshops Numbers of trainers (out of total needed for implementation of DLB across SSA) Number of African R&D institutions with active breeding programmes implementing (out of total) Positive feedback from DLB workshops Numbers of breeders connected with seed organisations Number of breeders producing breeder seed for SMEs to evaluate Amount of early generation seed produced Number of licenced public varieties to SME’s Amount of royalties flowing back to public programmes Number of national programmes advocating the use of DLB Number of MSc/PhD programmes with DLB included in the syllabus Variety release committees change their guidelines to include DLB traits Number of alumni publishing or promoting information on DLB best practices
Education of plant breeders How can we measure impact? Inputs Outputs Outcomes Impact/smallholders Information Products Behaviour changes People/environment Phase 1 Phase 2
What was our target for training African breeders in DLB? DLB alumni What was our target for training African breeders in DLB? Total 100
How many plant breeders trained? DLB alumni How many plant breeders trained? African breeders 216 250 African professionals 285 320 Total participants 315 350 Includes WACCI 2018 cohort /Kenya IGSS platform participants
How many workshops held? DLB alumni How many workshops held? Leading Institution 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 (TBA) Total WACCI 2 6 ACCI 1 BecA/Uni. Nairobi PABRA 3 Uni. Nairobi Uni. Queensland 5 19
DLB alumni database Name Gender Crop Country Institution Public or private organisation Job of job: breeder, supporting scientist, regulatory or government official email address
Session 1 Output Common understanding of the content, scope, and deadlines for phase 2, so you can fully participate in the consultation process to shape the final proposal.
Session 2 Outputs Summary of lessons/learning from phase 1 from your group Check list of recommendations/criteria to ensure success in phase 2 Principles Behaviours Processes Performance measures 3. Identification of aspects that should be improved based on experience from phase 1
Sessions 3 and 4 Outputs Ideas for activities in phase 2 Assign a relative priority to each Recommendation for inclusion or exclusion in the programme