Hello Scholars! Use the restroom and get water before class. Also, if you have colored pencils, you may want them for today’s activity. Happy Wednesday!
How can we use timelines to understand history? Essential Question How can we use timelines to understand history?
The Gregorian Calendar Invented by the Romans. Improved by Pope Gregory XIII – he added Leap Year. Events are relative the date that Christians believed Jesus was born.
Other Calendars It is currently the year: 2017 on the Christian calendar 5777 on the Hebrew calendar 1438 AH on the Islamic calendar 4715 Year of the Rooster on the Chinese calendar
The Gregorian Calendar BC = “Before Christ” AD = “Anno Domini” No, it does not mean “after death”. Latin meaning: “the year of our lord”. This year is 2017 years since Christians believe Jesus was born.
The New System BCE means “Before the Common Era” CE means “Common Era” 44 BCE = 44 BC CE means “Common Era” 2017 CE = 2017 AD
Similar to Number Lines -2 -1 1 2 Point out: 1 BCE comes after 2 BCE. 1 CE 2 BCE 1 BCE 2 CE 3 CE
Closure! Tidy up the art tray. Put your folded timeline worksheet NEXT TO THE ART TRAY. Sit quietly and wait to be dismissed. 6th period: Chairs up