HackAir 11/19/2018 What is HackAir? HackAIR (c) 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

HackAir 11/19/2018 What is HackAir? HackAIR (c) 2017

Generate and share information on air pollution

HackAir creates and tests an open platform that enables citizens to generate, publish and access information relevant to outdoor air pollution, by…

Goals Collect air quality from different sources Synthesise data, and generate meaningful information Deliver mobile and web-based services Increase user engagement and encourage behaviour change Test the concept with communities

Why HackAir? Air pollution from particle matter reduces people’s health and lifespan Citizens cannot easily access their exposure sensors are few and far between coverage oustide cities is poor data is not always accessible

How does HackAIR work?

Combining information

Data sources Citizens upload photos of the sky through the mobile app, and measure air quality with low-cost open hardware Existing air quality stations, open data, and publicly available photos of the sky

Technology Image crawling of geotagged photos of the sky Image analysis to estimate concentration of particles Open hardware sensors with smartphone algorithms Discovery and indexing of environmental websites with air quality measurements Data fusion to create air quality map Decision-support and personalisation by an ontological framework and knowledge base



Developing services for the community

Services Air quality estimates based on various sources Personalised recommendations to citizens based on location, travel, physical activity and other information Measurements available as open data for other applications The HackAIR platform source code as open source

Pilot Testing by communities of the platform: Germany: Friends of the Earth (BUND – 500,000 supporters) Norway: Asthma and Allergies Association of Norway (~17,000 members) Community developed by CITI-SENSE project (Citizen Observatory on air quality)

Partners DRAXIS Environmental S.A. Norsk institutt for luftforskning Centre for research & technology Hellas BUND für umwelt und naturschutz Deutshland EV Vrije Universiteit Brussel ON:SUBJECT The Democritus University of Thrace , Crevis Sprl and the Technological Educational Institute of Athens contribute as third parties affiliated to Draxis Environmental S.A.

hackAIR platform launched in February 2018 3-year timeline Start date: 1/2016 hackAIR platform launched in February 2018 End date: 12/2018

More information www.hackair.eu

Disclaimer This presentation reflects only the author's view and the Research Executive Agency or European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. hackAIR is supported through the EU programme on “Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation” and funded through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 688363 until December 2018.