The World Before War 1919 - 1939.


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Presentation transcript:

The World Before War 1919 - 1939

Totalitarianism Government that takes total, centralized, state control over every aspect of public and private life

Dynamic Leader Unites people Symbolizes govt. Encourages popular support through force

Ideology Sets and glorifies state goals Justifies govt actions

State Control of Individuals Controls EVERYTHING  Business, labor, housing, education, religion, the arts, etc.

Methods of Enforcement Terror Censorship Persecution

Use of Technology Mass communication Advanced weaponry

Totalitarian Rulers in the 2oth Century Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini Joseph Stalin Kim Il Sung Saddam Hussein

The Rise of Mussolini

Italy’s Conditions After WWI Had fought w/Allies but didn’t get all they were promised Huge war debts No markets to sell goods

Mussolini’s Background 1883: Born to a working class family 1919: Formed the Fascist party Facism: Totalitarian system of government Defended private property and class structure Cause of nation advanced at all costs

1920: Began to campaign for power 1921: Mussolini’s followers, Blackshirts, physically attacked political opponents and drove elected officials from office Democratic govt did nothing to stop them

1922: Fascists stages March on Rome to protest King Victor Emmanuel III named Mussolini Prime Minister 1924: Blackshirts ensured Italians voted for Fascist candidates Mussolini began calling himself “Il Duce” – “the leader” Banned non-Fascist parties Fascists arrested, assaulted or murdered anyone who voted against them

Mussolini’s Accomplishments Brought order to Italy Built up armed forces Solved unemployment problem Rekindled patriotism

The Rise of Adolf Hitler

1889: Born in Austria 1913: Rejected by Austrian army 1914: Joined WWI w/German army 1918: Received military award 1919: Joined German’s Workers’ Party = future Nazi party

1920: Put in charge of Nazi propaganda 1923: Beer Hall Putsch Tried to seize power of govt. Sent to prison Wrote Mein Kampf = “My Struggle”

1933: President Hindenberg invited Hitler to be Chancellor Nazis got 44% of vote in the next election 1934: Hindenberg died Govt. combined Chancellorship and Presidency Hitler became der Fuhrer = “the leader”