World War II
World War II WWII lasted from September 1, 1939 to August of 1945…
Legacy of World War I Redistribution of land in Europe Treaty of Versailles: German guilt clause War Debt German Economic Problems
During the 1920s and 1930s…
Great Britain Struggled economically after WWI Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister, and then Winston Churchill would be elected
France Went through three governments after WWI seeking economic relief and recovery The Popular Front was the French attempt at near Socialism, but this government only lasted one year Charles de Gaulle became the leader of France and would lead the Free French during Germany occupation
The United States Experienced a period of prosperity and isolationism (staying to ones self) after WWI The Stock Market Crash of 1929 plummeted the US into the Great Depression, which spread throughout the world
By 1924, Joseph Stalin had become the Communist Dictator of the U.S.S.R. or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics The U.S.S.R. was transformed into a modern, military state…costing millions of Russian lives
FASCISM WAS DEVELOPED AND GREW IN THREE NATIONS IN EUROPE Fascism- “a totalitarian governmental system led by a dictator and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism” Totalitarian- “Absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution”
The First Fascist state to develop was Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini Wanted Italy to be restored to the greatness it had under the Roman Empire Encouraged women to have children Education became extremely important Built up the Italian military
Adolf Hitler Was elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933 The German people were looking for change after the destruction and blame for WWI Hitler promised to make Germany a powerful nation again, respected among the nations of Europe He soon became the Fascist dictator of the nation His government was called the Third Reich
Hitler, or Fuhrer meaning leader, was loved by the German people in the beginning
Hitler’s Bio Born on April 20, 1889 in Austria to Alois and Klara Hitler Wanted to be an artist (and was good) but was twice denied to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts His mother died when he was 19 and he moved to Vienna anyway where he lived in homeless shelters With no hope in sight, he moved to Munich, Germany in 1913 and joined the Germany army
Hitler’s Bio Was injured by mustard gas in WWI and hospitalized Was very upset Germany lost and wanted to help Germany grow to be a superior nation Joined and rose up through the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers Party) Chose the swastika as the symbol for the Party Wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggles) while in prison for treason Freed and became leader of the Nazi Party in 1924 (at this time, all Nazi newspapers were banned and he was not allowed to make public speeches)
Mein Kampf Expresses spirit of the Nazi Party Outlines Hitler’s plan for racial purity through elimination of Jews and others Mein Kampf
Hitler’s Bio Was able to gain more support for the Nazi party as more German’s searched for change in economic and political relief Created the infamous SS (Schutzstaffel) which was initially intended to be his bodyguards, but eventually turned into the Nazi police force He was elected Chancellor in 1933 and quickly planned the burning of the Reichstag (German Parliament; we think)
Francisco Franco led a Fascist Revolution in Spain…took control by 1939 It was a harsh regime!
Real power was Tojo, Prime Minister in 1941 In Japan, the weak and young Emperor Hirohito was being manipulated by the “military industrial complex”…the nation was becoming more aggressive and imperialistic Real power was Tojo, Prime Minister in 1941
AGGRESSION IN EUROPE AND THE PACIFIC ONLY GOT WORSE! The United States Congress passed Neutrality Acts to keep us out of the tensions in Europe President F. D. Roosevelt wanted to “Quarantine” the aggressive nations (Germany, Italy and Japan) AGGRESSION IN EUROPE AND THE PACIFIC ONLY GOT WORSE!