Stream Mapping Advisory Committee Update The North Carolina Streambed Mapping Advisory Committee (StreamMAC) is a standing committee of the Statewide Mapping Advisory Committee, which operates under the authority of the North Carolina Geographic Information Coordinating Council. Review of charter and workplan information with goals Who is involved in the streamMAC Emphasis on developing business requirements for whatever mapping needs we all have in NC 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
StreamMAC Role The North Carolina Streambed Mapping Advisory Committee is organized to establish policy and guide development of surface water mapping through the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and identification and delineation of watersheds and catchments through the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) in North Carolina. The StreamMAC will generate recommendations based on the documented requirements of federal, state, and local government and tribal bodies. NHD and WBD are now an integrated dataset at the national level. When we started this endeavor they were not. There have also been many technical and programmatic changes over the past 10 years that will need to be considered as we revisit the requirments/needs/desires for better stream mapping in NC 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
StreamMAC Goals Establish designated representation with stakeholder organizations, and appoint representation with GICC committees, working groups, and related bodies. Maintain foundational materials and develop strategies to complete local resolution NHD production in North Carolina. Establish a governance framework for the technical and programmatic issues to enable technical maintenance. Establish a stewardship agreement that meets the needs of the StreamMAC membership and larger stakeholder community. Emphasis here on goals that are still pertinent and relevant 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
StreamMAC Participation NC Department of Transportation • NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources • NC Department of Agriculture • NC Forest Service • GICC Local Government Committee • NC Department of Emergency Management • NC Secretary of State • NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program • US Geological Survey • US Natural Resources Conservation Service • US Environmental Protection Agency • US Park Service • US Forest Service • US Army Corps of Engineers • Eastern Band of Cherokee Meeting since 2004. Intense production schedule for roughly 2 years with regular meetings to provide guidance to contractor 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
StreamMAC 2013-2014 Workplan Develop consensus on workgroup goals and workplan for remainder of FY 2013-2014. Designate StreamMAC representation for GICC entities and StreamMAC representation to stewardship workgroups for NHD and WBD. Develop and implement plan to document current user requirements and reassess 2004 Implementation Plan to Improve the Mapping and Digital Representation of Surface Waters in North Carolina. ( Develop and implement a plan to develop a business case and updated cost model for completing local resolution NHD across North Carolina. Develop and implement a plan to establish a governance model and stewardship guidelines for NHD and WDB maintenance in North Carolina. In the document you can find the initial cost benefits information and the SB1152 guidance for the 19 county footprint. Question of governance and maintenance was of great concern to the NC stakeholders in meetings for the last two years 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
2005 Requirements Increase the quality and content of mapping, especially in upper reaches of the watersheds so that all regulated streams and water bodies are mapped and available on the Internet (through NC OneMap) Provide uniform mapping across all jurisdictions in the state resulting in an extraordinary opportunity for better decision making, closer collaborations on cross-jurisdictional initiatives and better use of resources. Develop a resource that reflects current streams and lake locations in the landscape to enhance efforts to avoid wetlands in the planning of public-private facilities. Implement a plan to maintain and update the content as conditions change in the landscape thereby preserving North Carolina’s investment Utilize larger, more detailed mapping scale to complement the mapping systems managed by local governments (mapping scales of 1:1,200) for local planning efforts. Improve accuracy and uniformity of stream mapping by utilizing (leveraging) the State’s recent investment in statewide elevation data (using LIDAR technology), and the aerial image resources of counties and the state. Recently through the stewardship discussions there has been an emphasis on known accuracy as well so uniform may not be as important as known. 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
StreamMAC Business Requirements Updateable geometry (coastal emphasis) Consistent flow regime attribution Known accuracy Data management Integrate all forms of flow conveyance Maintenance, Change, Update Processes Updateable geometry- Many issues with project planning and setbacks when geometry is greatly different than what is on the ground. Stuff you have to have to do your job. This is strange in the surveys because it mostly what we really want to do our job better. If it was required we would already have it. For data management- many databases that key to some kind of hydro. Used to display data and increaselingly to indicate areas of restoration or implementation. Also being able to display planning areas where waters will be moved unaviodalby becaous of projects in these areas. Accounting for mitigation and changes in geometries associated with this. Query a dataset for stream distance changes in year whatever. Or know who did it. 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
Stream and coastline geometries change with time Stream and coastline geometries change with time. An update frequency less than 30 years is highly desired especially in coastal areas. 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
The inconsistent flow attribution is an issue when the map or dataset is referenced in state water quality protection rules. The ability to reference a map for rules implementation is a state requirement (this is really the only real requirement- most of the others are highly desired). Also most of the break points are cartographic representations do not have documentation of an actual field determination. 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
Local resolution is consistent in the project area- 6 acres plus 200 feet Not attributed with flow regime as this cannot be done with imagery Indicates where water would likely flow in ephemeral, intermittant and perenniel channels. This may not be the process used in mapping other areas of the state but the hope is that in any given area we would have the geometry well documented as to the delineation process- heads up, field call, modeled etc. with all who, what when where and why this was done. Our starting point will be the original 24k NHD. 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
Potential Business Needs Change submittal process “GICC EMC approved map” Mapping project approval process Local resolution NHD in NC mountain counties Local government geometries Headwaters Mapping Project Integrate Field Calls EEP and DOT realignments These would be to improve customer service, have a good planning tool and manage, change, maintain the hydro dataset and make it available to all. 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
USGS Business Requirements USGS National Assessment of Hydrography “…develop and refine future program alternatives that would provide enhanced hydrographic data to meet many Federal, State, and other national business needs” Operational Improvements, Customer Service Improvements, and Societal Benefits After survey is completed and processed there will be a workshop in the spring. 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
Challenges and Issues DWR rules with references to USGS and NRCS Regulatory Reform Act of 2013 (HB74, SL 2013-413) Name integration DWR compared to GNIS State tables in NC Local Resolution DWR are working internally to propose some rule language change as part of the readoption process. All DWR rules were binned as necessary with substantive public interest. DENR is the first agency to undergo the readoption processAlso evaluating all implications of changing the references to some other map or mapping product/process. This will help guide more business requirements or desires to help implement the new language. StreamMAC will also be revisiting the state table that were included in the 19 county local resolution footprint. 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh
2015 USGS Hydro Survey and Workshops DWR Business Requirements/Desires StreamMAC workgroups develop white papers for various processes and work flows 11/19/2018 Campbell McNutt NCDENR DWR- StreamMAC Update 2015 GIS Conference Raleigh