ABET Accomplishments & Opportunities 11/19/2018 12:40 PM ABET Accomplishments & Opportunities International Workshop January 22, 2018 Phil Brown, Steve Sutton, Dick Fairley © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
ABET Liaison Activities Since IW17 PEVs 14 PEVs 5 have 7 or more visits (not all visits for INCOSE) 1 has 2 visits 2 have 1 visit 2 have 1 observer visit 4 have no visits One visit for 2018: Johns Hopkins MSSE Program Lack of visit opportunities for our PEVs constraining INCOSE’s influence No recruitment for new PEVs this year due to lack of visit opportunities Limited budget for funding observer visits for the 4 PEVs with no visit experience ABET suggests offering INCOSE PEVs to other societies – have been unable to make this happen despite some individual interest from society liaisons or representatives Commissioners Young Moon nominated for a second term 2018-19 John Farr nominated for a first term 2018-19 Dick Fairley nominated as alternate commissioner 2018-19 Dave Olwell’s term ends July 2018 ABET Symposium 2017, 20-21 April Arnold, Hahn, Sutton, Whitcomb: Benefits of Integrating Systems Engineering Concepts into University Curricula – 75 minutes Davey, Chris, Ford Motor Company: The Role of Systems Engineering in advanced automotive mobility solutions – 50 minutes
Additional Developments Engineering Area Delegation (EAD) approved the revised General Criteria for Baccalaureate Programs for implementation in the 2019 – 2020 accreditation cycle. Affects over 2,000 programs (260 + outside United States) John Farr received INCOSE”s Outstanding Service Award Phil Brown appointed for a second three year term to ABET Global Council. Jamie Rogers (University of Texas at Arlington) is the new chair. Garry Roedler invited to join ABET’s Industry Advisory Council (IAC) INCOSE approved by EAD to join the IEEE and CSAB as a co-lead society for “Cyber Security Engineering” System Security Engineering WG taking responsibility for collecting and consolidating comments on first reading of “Cyber Security Engineering” criteria. POC is Keith Willett IISE and INCOSE kicked off initiative to develop System Engineering program criteria Jessica Oswalt (Tennessee Tech) leading IISE team
Defining ABET Requirements for Cyber Security Education January 21, 2018
Genesis - I Exploding industry and government demand for qualified practitioners to address cyber security challenges stimulated ABET to address developing program criteria for computer science and computer engineering programs. One estimate is only 20% of undergraduate programs are currently accredited. ABET’s Computer Area Delegation (CAD) responded by forming a cybersecurity subcommittee in March 2016. Development of program criteria for cyber security was the group’s primary objective. The group jump-started their work with the curriculum guidelines developed by the Cyber Education Project (CEP). The CEP initiative was organized in July 2014 with funding support from the National Science Foundation.
Genesis - II Draft Computer Accreditation Commission (CAC) “cybersecurity” computing program criteria published in February 2017 March 2017 – Presentation to Engineering Area Delegation (EAD) requesting support for creation of cyber security engineering program criteria with IEEE, CSAB and INCOSE designated as co-lead societies October 2017 – Ann Kenimer, Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) Chair, supports moving forward on developing cybersecurity engineering criteria. EAD approves after some discussion. (57% approval)
Cybersecurity Engineering Cybersecurity engineering integrates technology, people, and processes considerations in the design of solutions which enable “assured and proper operations” in the presence of risks and threats. Tasks include the design, creation, operation, analysis, and testing of secure systems (including network and communication systems) and the application of reasonable risk taking and risk mitigations. Cybersecurity engineering also includes aspects of law, policy, human factors, ethics, and other related topics Presented to EAD March 2017
Program Criteria: How is EAC different than CAC? • EAC program criteria is focused toward design (typically with a focus on hardware aspects) of complex devices & systems by application of engineering design methods and principles with consideration of requirements & constraints • CAC program criteria is focused toward computing programs (typically with a focus on software aspects) For example: CAC criteria requires at least 45 semester credit hours of course work covering computing and cybersecurity topics (Information Security, Software Security, System Security, Human Security, Organizational Security, Societal Security) Presented to EAD March 2017
The Road Ahead Between now and 6/15/18 First reading of criteria available for public examination and comments http://www.abet.org/accreditation-criteria/accreditation-alerts Representatives of IEEE, CSAB and INCOSE meet to process and adjudicate relevance of comments. Resolution done from 6/15 through 7/15 EAC Criteria Committee Meets between July 17th through July 22 ABET Accreditation Council Meeting 7/18/2018 ABET Accreditation Council Meeting 9/11/2018 EAC Chair presents revised Cyber Security Engineering criteria to assembled EAD delegates for a vote of approval to proceed to a second period of public comment. November 2, 2018 December 2018 (?) to 6/15/19 Second reading of criteria available for public examination and comments
How You Can Participate Access ABET site to examine proposed criteria http://www.abet.org/accreditation-criteria/accreditation-alerts Develop suggestions to remedy perceived shortfalls Keep in mind these criteria are for undergraduate programs Send Keith Willett your suggestions with heading “criteria comments” keith@kwillett.com Talk with or e-mail Dick Fairley for more information dickfairley@gmail.com
2018’s Major New Endeavor Systems Engineering Program Criteria A little bit of history ABET appointed an ad hoc systems engineering task force in 2006-08, which coincided with INCOSE's becoming a new member society of ABET. The task force had representatives from ASME, IEEE, ISA, SAE, INCOSE, and IISE (then IIE), as well as input from AIAA and others. The task force considered the question of whether there was a need for systems engineering program criteria. At that time, there was not a consensus, which resulted in ABET's decision to accredit systems engineering programs (without modifiers) under the Engineering General Criteria. Seven member societies (ASME, CSAB, IEEE, IISE, INCOSE, ISA, and SAE) signed on to serve as co-lead societies for systems engineering programs (without modifiers). Discussed developing System Engineering Program Criteria with IISE delegates (October 2016) IISE Board of Trustees endorsed our working together to develop SE criteria Representatives of seven member societies named above briefed on plan (Sept 2017) Near term milestones Ariela spearheading strawman criteria preparation Status report to EAD (March 23rd) Criteria workshop at IISE Conference (May 19-22) Criteria workshop at INCOSE Symposium (July 8th) INCOSE criteria workshop organization Seeking innovative ways to create dialogue between practitioners and academics Encourage our colleagues from outside United States to actively participate in workshop Please share your ideas with either Steve Sutton or Phil Brown
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