How to proceed with MC for STAR forward upgrades?


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Presentation transcript:

How to proceed with MC for STAR forward upgrades?

Geometry (from decadal plan): FSC FGT Extension Forward Tracking PID

How to proceed? Put oversimplified models for every detector (for example, ignore all mechanical details), run MC and try to optimize. Faster to implement, but will results be credible Or, include to best of our knowledge details, may be start with overkill parameters in terms of resolutions, granularities for future optimization. More work, but should provide more reliable results. Some sort of combined scheme.

Questions for slide 2: What minimal configuration is required to do physics simulations? What must be in the geometry file (details) and what can be omitted (assuming needed information will be accessible in geant output somehow)?

FGT Extension (example): Six additional GEM discs. Required input: dimensions, positions, pixels size. What degree of details should be in the description (foil thickness, gas thickness, mechanical support, readout)? Can existing FGT geometry be simply reused with shift/spread along Z? Or, something simple can be implemented? Who will collect all required information? Who will put geometry in place?

PID and Forward Tracking: PID, low-mass RICH, what model to put in? Forward Tracking, same questions as for FGT extension; dimensions, positions, pixel size. What level of details (technology) to include? Is simple sensitive pixels (yes/no for charge particles) is enough? Should we worry about albedo (mechanical details)? Etc… Who will put conceptual requirements? Who will put models in geometry description?

Forward Spaghetti Calorimeter: (see Jay’s slides) From stand alone MC no optimization yet, require more work, more people should be involved. However, current parameters (granularity and resolution) may be an overkill already. Proceed with implementation of current model? UCLA will provide all known details about hardware.

FMS, FHC. FMS, detailed description exists? FHC – same question, put simplified model, or put all know details. (Can we take care of collecting all info about FHC?)