“We propose that the present results suggest that Onishi, K. and Baillargeon, R. Do 15-Month-Old Infants Understand False Beliefs? Science. Vol 308 pp. 255 – 258. Conclusions “We propose that the present results suggest that 15-month-old infants expect an actor to search for a toy where she believes, rightly or wrongly, that it is hidden.” Theory and Methodology 56 infants (27 girls, 29 boys) 14 mo. 27 days – 15 mo. 18 days 2 familiarization trials with putting a toy in the box and looking for a toy in a box A single belief-induction trial TB-green TB-yellow FB-green FB-yellow A single test-trial reach into yellow box reach into the green box Mean (TSE) looking times during the test trial (after the actor reached into the green or yellow box) in the four belief conditions. Findings Strengths 8 Cases control for other variables Good use of statistics Weaknesses The correlations don’t indicate why the infants respond the way they do. Sarah Parikh 5/4/09