Agents for the Masses {thompson, ford} Description Results • eGents • Agents over E-mail useful for building very disconnected, asynchronous apps Description Objective: move agent technology from proprietary closed-world agents-only solutions into the mainstream. Approach: piggyback agent technology onto and leverage widely deployed technologies (e.g. distributed objects, Java, Jini, email, the web, XML, search engines, and channels). This integration of the best of agent technology with pervasive infrastructure results in improved capability, reduced development effort, greater compatibility with existing software, and greater potential for mainstream use. • AgentGram • Natural Language Wrappers for Agents Results Three Agent Technologies eGents - agents communicating via email AgentGram - natural language interface wrappers for agents accessible over the web WebTrader - agents and services found using search engines Architecture, Standards, Tech Transfer NEO, MIATA, CoAX TIEs, Rome JBI OMG Agent SIG & FIPA “Characterizing the Agent Grid” in Handbook of Agent Technology • WebTrader • Scalable Service/DataSource Discovery on the Web Future Continue Agents for the Masses theme driven by MIATA, CoAX and JBI TIEs. Package and harden components. Add Grid Control theme to show how environment (e.g., threats, traffic, weather) and system-wide properties (-ilities and QoS) affect agent communication. Hypothesis: system properties can be inserted into agent communication paths to provide these controls. Transition to DoD, OMG/FIPA, and commercialize. WebTrader in NEO TIE