Stock Market Portfolio Research and Creation
A stock represent a share in the ownership of a company A stock represent a share in the ownership of a company. If you own a company's stock, then you are a owner, or shareholder, of the company. A stock represents a claim on the company's assets and profits. A stock is also known as equity.
The ownership percent, of a company that you own is calculated by dividing the number of shares a person owns buy the number of shares of stock outstanding. For example: 1000 shares owned 10,000 shares outstanding = 10% ownership.
Ownership of stock is represented by a stock certificate Ownership of stock is represented by a stock certificate. A stock certificate represents your ownership of the company. These days, when you buy stock of a company, you usually do not get the actual stock certificates any more. Instead, your ownership is tracked electronically, making it easier to buy and sell shares.
So, now that you have stock and ownership of a company, what can you do? Not really very much. You will benefit when the price of the stock goes up, or lose if the price goes down. As a part-owner of the company, you are given the right to vote for company's board of directors.
Another way you may benefit is if the company pays dividends Another way you may benefit is if the company pays dividends. Dividends represent a percent of the company's profit, paid to the shareholders.
Buying stock can be risky, since while the price of the stock may go up, it may also go down. If the company goes bankrupt, then you could potentially lose all the money you invested in the stock. However, that is what investing is all about. Taking risks, in the hope of making money on your investment, with no guarantee that you will make money.
Creating Your Stock Portfolio Steps Go to Google Finance (just google it) Sign in to your Google account. If you do not have one then you need to create one. The left hand column you will use to conduct research and to add to your portfolio.
Stock Portfolio Requirements YOU MUST: Research a minimum of 10 stocks Has the price gone up or down in the last year? How much has it changed in 1 year? What is the current price of the stock? One piece of news on how the stock will do in the future. (a prediction from the media) Have this information organized neatly to present to Mr. Hartman. He will decide how much money to give you to invest.
Stock Market Tracking Research: Due at the end of class. It must be signed off by Mr. Hartman with the amount you have to invest Formal grade (100 Points) Weekly Tracking: Every Friday you must show your up to date and completed stock tracking sheet Informal grade (100 Points) EVERY Friday