The Human Nervous System 35-1 Name the three parts of a neuron. Describe the way in which a nerve impulse occurs.
Can you label a neuron? Cell body Nucleus - Schwann cell Nucleus Dendrites Axon Node of Ranvier Nucleus - Schwann cell Schwann cell Myelin sheath Synaptic knob Terminal Branches
A faster impulse – the action potential jumps from gap to gap. Myelin Sheath
Three types of Nerve Cells Sensory Neurons Inter Neurons Motor Neurons
In a synapse vesicles release neurotransmitters which cause the next neuron to fire.
Art and text and presentation made by: Valerie Shiba and Jennifer Li Hiya Mr. Nelson =P
Xerox 35-1 1 e 2 i 3 d 4 n 5 g 6 l 7 j 8 a 9 j 10 m 11 b 12 a 13 h 14 k,b 15 c 16 k 17 m 18 f 19 l
Xerox 35-1 (Cont.) 20 dendrite 21 b 22 c 23 d 24 sensory 25 negative 26 toward 27 node 28 neurotransmitter 29 travel to the next neuron 30 the impulse would not work 31 increase the speed of the neuron
Credits Initial art, text and presentation made by Valerie Shiba and Jennifer Li