Writing Style Mrs. Hackworth Comp 2
Writing Style Each of us has our own personality, therefore we have our own personality in our writing. Writing style can vary based on several factors: Topic Audience Purpose Tone Point-of-view Tense
Topic When choosing a topic, you should choose a topic that interests you. Therefore, your personality and vested interest in the topic can shine through in your writing. Do NOT choose topics that bore you. If you are bored, then your audience will be bored as well.
Audience Once you choose a topic, determine your audience. Write “to” your audience.
Purpose Determine the purpose for writing about your topic and what your audience should get out of reading your paper. The teacher is not always your audience.
Tone Determine the tone of your paper: Whimsical Sarcastic Funny Serious Your topic, audience and purpose each factor in when developing your tone of your paper.
Point of View Three different points of view First Person Second Person Third Person When writing a formal paper (for comp 2 summative papers), you will ALWAYS write in third person. First and second person are less formal
Tense Tense also determines if a paper is formal or informal. Formal essays are written in present tense Do not overthink the tense when writing.