Introducing the New and Improved Staff Web Access ACEware Systems, Inc. 7480 Dyer Road Manhattan, Kansas 800-925-2493
Agenda What is Staff Web Access Setting Up Staff Access Accessing Staff Web Access page Staff Features Student Features Instructor Features Questions
What is Staff Web Access? The Staff Web Access option allows Student Manager users to perform these tasks via ACEweb: View and create Name records *Log into student records and enroll them in courses *View student registration history View course information View rosters Enter grades Enter daily attendance (Attendance Tracking module required) *without needing the student's ACEweb password
Setting Up Staff Web Access Upgrade to ACEweb version .048 (3.5 for VFP users, 4.0 for SQL users). Visit your about.awp page to find out your ACEweb version: https://yourdomain/wconnect/about.awp (where yourdomain is your own ACEweb domain, e.g. Need Help Upgrading? Contact your ACEware technician to schedule the upgrade.
Setting Up Staff Web Access Tools > Password Maintenance > Student Manager User Records: Each user must have an ACEweb Access Level set to the minimum needed to access the Staff Web Access option. Note: you must be a Student Manager Administrator to access the Password Maintenance tool.
Setting Up Staff Web Access MgrWebLevel INI Setting - enter the minimum level a Student Manager User must have in the ACEweb Access Level to be able to access the Staff Web Access option. Contact your ACEware technician if you need help editing your ACEweb.ini settings.
Setting Up Staff Web Access Send the Student Manager users a link to the managerweb.awp page. For example: You can also add an expression to ACEweb to show the logged on staff's username, with a link back to managerweb.awp. Contact your ACEware technician for help with adding the expression to your ACEweb site.
Accessing the Staff Web Access Page Click the Staff Web Access page link sent to you. Log in using your Student Manager credentials.
Accessing the Staff Web Access Page IMPORTANT NOTES If you have not set a value in the MgrWeblevel INI setting, you will get a Logon Cancelled or Disallowed message when you click the managerweb.awp link. If your ACEweb Access Level is not high enough, you will get an Access Denied message when you try logging into the page.
Staff Features After successfully logging in, the Staff Web Access pages opens and you will see the Staff Options section: Note: you won't see the View ACEweb Staff Calendar link if you don't have the Calendar module
Looking Up a Student Click the Lookup Student link to look up a name record and log in as that student.
Looking Up a Student You can enter partial matches for name and firm, or enter custom search criteria. All options are based on a begins with criteria. Partial Name: enter a few characters of last name, a space, then a few characters of the first name. Partial Firm: enter the first few characters of the firm name. Custom criteria: enter using SQL syntax. E.g. '' $ nmemail returns all name records with in the Email Address.
Looking Up a Student Look up Buttons:
Recalling Saved Custom Filters If you saved custom filters, click the Recall button until the filter you want to run is listed in the Custom field:
Looking Up a Student Once you find the student, click the Logon button to log into that student's record. E.g. Clicking the button for Charles will log you in as Charles:
Student Options You will be returned to the Staff Web Access page, and the Student Options section will now be displayed: Note: you won't see the Quick Pick Registration link if you don't have the Quick Pick module
A Word about Student Passwords Passwords are not used when you are logged in as a staff member. So you will not be able to use the student log in page to log in as a student because the password field is hidden:
A Word about Student Passwords It's also hidden in Sign Up mode:
Enrolling a Student in a Course Once you are logged in as a student, you can follow the regular registration procedures to register them in courses. Click the Enroll in a Course link. Find the course. Click the Enroll Yourself button. Select enrollment options (fees, supplemental data, etc.). Click Proceed to Checkout. Pay for the transaction. Note: you will also have access to their Proxy list so you can proxy register others too (with the Enroll Someone Else button).
Payment Options As a staff member, you can pay by credit card, or mark the transaction paid by Cash or Check. In a future update, you will be able to choose the Invoice option, even if billing is not normally allowed for the courses on the Cart.
Other Student Options While logged in as a student, you can also: Edit their name record, including adding other name records to their Name Group:
Other Student Options View the student's Registration History, including paying balances (Payment Status) with the View Registration History link:
Instructor Options As a staff member, you have Super Instructor access. Click the Look up Course/View Roster/Instructor Options link to access the Instructor page.
Instructor Options Super Instructor access allows you to search for courses. Enter filter criteria. Choose filter options. Click the Get Courses button.
Instructor Options Any courses matching your filter criteria will be listed:
Filter Options Show current and upcoming courses – active courses that have not ended. Include Online, Membership, and Donation courses –include these course types. Include Inactive Courses* – courses that have ended or are not active Include Gradebook links to course workshops/lessons – includes workshops/lessons in the Gradebook list. Show selected courses for all instructors – REQUIRED, must be checked to return courses for staff members. Include Cancelled Courses and Registrations – only available to staff members. Keep Filter Criteria: [Filter]– remembers the filter criteria if you visit another page then come back to the Instructor page. *Pending Courses are not included in any Instructor listing filter.
Course Information Click the appropriate List button to view information for a specific course. The Roster tab shows information about students, and the waitlist, if any. What student info is included on the Roster is determined by the RosterFields INI setting.
Course Information If you chose to include cancelled records in search, you will also see a Cancelled column identifying the cancellation status:
Course Information The Course Details tab shows course information. The following data is only shown to staff members: Enrollment Counts Status Instructors Fees (fee set up on course record)
Course Information More course information shown:
Course Information The Tools (Email/Export/Reports) tab includes options to print the roster, save the roster to an Excel spreadsheet, view/print an attendance sheet, and email students.
Emailing Students If you choose the Include Cancelled Courses and Registrations option, cancelled registrations WILL be included in the Email All Students list. The Email All Students option allows you to send a quick email to the students enrolled in the course. ACEweb has no access to Student Manager email templates—you only have the option to type in your email message. Your browser will open an email in your *preferred email client, with the students' emails entered into the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field. *See your browser documentation for instructions to set up your preferred email client.
Emailing Students If you want to send a copy to another person, you must manually enter their email address. The browser mailto routine has a character limit. If the number of emails for a course exceeds the limit, you will see Group links: You can also email a single student from the Roster tab.
Gradebook To enter grades for courses, click the appropriate Gradebook button:
Gradebook Enter the grades then click the Save Changes button: Grade, Hours, and Credits will be filled in with the default values from the registration record.
Attendance Tracking If you have the Attendance Tracking module, the Attendance column is included in the Course listing. Click the appropriate Track button to enter daily attendance.
Attendance Tracking Select the date you want. You also have the option to fill in default hours for the session. Click the Save Changes button to save your data.
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