I. What are the Shelter Cluster’s goals? Provide people affected by an emergency crisis with the means to live in a safe, dignified and appropriate shelter Help all shelter actors work together better, providing with the right and quick assistance to the individuals in need Ensures consistency, coherence, and predictability to the quality and scope of shelter cluster coordination Global mechanisms; in Freedonia led by UNHCR
II. What does the Shelter Cluster do? Support service delivery Inform HC/HCT strategic decision-making Plan and develop strategy Advocacy Monitor and report Contingency planning / preparedness Accountability to affected population
III. What are the core components of a Shelter Cluster? Cluster Coordinator IMO Partners SAG TWiG Government UN Agencies International and local NGOs Civil society organisations Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement Academia Donors The Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) is a permanent body that works to advance the cluster’s strategic direction. Current SAG members are: ACTED, CARE Int’l, Habitat for Humanity, InterAction, IOM, NRC, Save the Children Int’l, UNHABITAT, World Vision Int’l, IFRC, UNHCR The Technical Working Groups (WG) are created to address a certain gap and they disappear once that the gap is addressed
IV. What is Information Management? Information Management is the capture, handling, storage, analysis and dissemination of data pertaining specifically to operations and the populations of concern, including demographic and statistical information.
V. Importance of IM in the Shelter Cluster Assessments Needs / Damage assessment Response monitoring Shelter and NFI activities Other monitoring systems Stock and pipeline monitoring Communication Website Liaise OCHA (e.g. ICCT, HCAWG) and other Clusters
Thank you! Contact: freedonia@sheltercluster.org Thuraya: + 88-11-002-7721 www.sheltercluster.org/response/freedonia