Performance Task Assessment Grades K-5 March 28, 2013 Corey Mott Pleasant Valley Elementary School This may not be necessary depending on the whole group session before the breakouts
Today’s Agenda: Why new assessments? What is the Performance Task Assessment? How do we administer the PTA? How can we get our students ready? How do we score the PTA?
Why new assessments? Common Core Next Generation of Tests: Smarter Balance or PARC Smarter Balance Examples Apply thinking skills vs. Multiple Choice
What is a performance task assessment? Students will create answers or products which demonstrate his/her knowledge or skills.
What is a performance task assessment? Our students will… Watch movie clips. Listen to texts read aloud to them. Read texts independently. Discuss ideas whole class and with partners. Take notes on what they have learned. Use the information to create an informational book or opinion writing.
How do I give the performance task assessment? Administration and Tasks Flipchart Blogging: Sharing ideas on how to prepare! Testing for CCSS is either Smarter Balanced or PARC Home Cheat Sheet G K-2 Cheat Sheet G 3-5 Rubric Example Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Blog
Grade K Performance Task Assessment Introduction: Students watch movie “Sid the Science Kid: Growing Plants.” Teacher charts important information students recall. Task 1: Teacher reads aloud Colorful Plants. Through shared writing, class and teacher create drawing based on information from book. Task 2: Teacher reads aloud Amazing Plants. Students take notes on text. Task 3: Using all 3 sources, students write an informational book about plants. Go through tasks. Go through the features of the flipchart. Go through tasks using the flipchart. Show teachers how to get flipcharts on Sharepoint and Public Drive. Have teachers get out laptops. One teacher goes through flipchart, while partner blogs suggestions. Home Cheat Sheet G K-2 Cheat Sheet G 3-5 Rubric Example Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Blog
Grade 1 Performance Task Assessment Introduction: Students watch a movie about lions. Students turn and talk with partners about key details. Teacher charts students’ ideas. Task 1: Teacher reads aloud Looking at Wild Cats. Students take notes on key details from the text. Task 2: Students read Tigers independently. Students take notes on key details from the text. Task 3: Students write an informational book about wild cats using main ideas and key details from the movie and two texts. Go through tasks. Go through the features of the flipchart. Go through tasks using the flipchart. Show teachers how to get flipcharts on Sharepoint and Public Drive. Have teachers get out laptops. One teacher goes through flipchart, while partner blogs suggestions. Home Cheat Sheet G K-2 Cheat Sheet G 3-5 Rubric Example Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Blog
Grade 2 Performance Task Assessment Day 1: Teacher will read selections from Big Babies, Little Babies. Students will watch Birds: Emperor Penguins. Teacher will read selection from Wolves. Day 2: Students watch Birds: Emperor Penguins and take notes in response packet. Students read independently “By Sea” from Amazing Artic Animals and take notes in response packet. Day 3: Teacher reads selections from Big Babies, Little Babies pausing for students to take notes in response packet. Teacher reads selection from Wolves. Students compare Wolves and Big Babies, Little Babies in response packet. Day 4: Students watch Alligator Hatchlings and may take notes. Class brainstorms topics about animal families. Students choose a topic and write an informational book about it. Go through tasks. Go through the features of the flipchart. Go through tasks using the flipchart. Show teachers how to get flipcharts on Sharepoint and Public Drive. Have teachers get out laptops. One teacher goes through flipchart, while partner blogs suggestions. Home Cheat Sheet G K-2 Cheat Sheet G 3-5 Rubric Example Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Blog
Grade 3 Performance Task Assessment Introduction: Teacher reviews tasks. Task 1: Students read and write key details from “Dauphin Grille: Good for People and the Planet” article. Task 2: Students read and write key details from “Wendy’s” article. Task 3: Students choose one restaurant and write a review explaining why people should go to that restaurant. Go through tasks. Go through the features of the flipchart. Go through tasks using the flipchart. Show teachers how to get flipcharts on Sharepoint and Public Drive. Have teachers get out laptops. One teacher goes through flipchart, while partner blogs suggestions. Home Cheat Sheet G K-2 Cheat Sheet G 3-5 Rubric Example Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Blog
Grade 4 Performance Task Assessment Introduction: Teacher reviews tasks. Task 1: Students watch “Wellness in the Schools.” Students write down the important main ideas and explain how details in the video support that idea. Task 2: Students read and write a summary about “Chicago School Bans Lunches Brought from Home” article. Task 3: Students read and write a summary about “Lunches Provided by Schools May Be Healthier than Lunches Brought from Home” article. Task 4: Students write a persuasive essay from their point of view – which is healthier - lunch from home or lunch from school? Go through tasks. Go through the features of the flipchart. Go through tasks using the flipchart. Show teachers how to get flipcharts on Sharepoint and Public Drive. Have teachers get out laptops. One teacher goes through flipchart, while partner blogs suggestions. Home Cheat Sheet G K-2 Cheat Sheet G 3-5 Rubric Example Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Blog
Grade 5 Performance Task Assessment Introduction: Teacher reviews tasks. Task 1: Students watch "Phoenix Zoo Helps Save Endangered Species," then write a summary of the video. Task 2: Students read "Zoochosis,” write down main ideas and key supporting details from the text, and summarize it. Task 3: Students read "The Swazi Eleven,” write down main ideas and key supporting details from the text, and summarize it. Task 4: Students read the chart "Life Span of Female African Elephants,” summarize main ideas on this text and key details supporting those ideas. Task 5: Write a research-based argument essay: should funding be continued or discontinued to support endangered animals' captivity in zoos? Go through tasks. Go through the features of the flipchart. Go through tasks using the flipchart. Show teachers how to get flipcharts on Sharepoint and Public Drive. Have teachers get out laptops. One teacher goes through flipchart, while partner blogs suggestions. Home Cheat Sheet G K-2 Cheat Sheet G 3-5 Rubric Example Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Blog
Blogging Go through your grade level’s flipchart. Link to Blogging Website Go through your grade level’s flipchart. Blog: What are ways you can practice this throughout the year? Home Cheat Sheet G K-2 Cheat Sheet G 3-5 Rubric Example Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Blog
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K-2 Rubric 3-5 Rubric