Ancient Greece
Geography of Greece Greece consists of a mountainous peninsula and numerous islands. The independent communities to develop different ways of life. Greece has many ports, inlets, and islands. The Greeks became seafarers.
The Minoan Civilization A Bronze Age civilization called the Minoan civilization was established on Crete. It was named after the legendary king of Crete, Minos The Minoans sailed to southern Greece and Egypt for trade. Palace of Minos
Destruction Minoan Civilization The Minoan civilization on Crete suffered a catastrophe around 1450 B.C. Some historians believe that a tidal wave caused by a volcanic eruption on the island of Thera was the cause. Others believe the civilization was destroyed by an invasion of mainland Greeks known as the Mycenaeans.
The First Greek State: Mycenae The term Mycenaean comes from Mycenae, a fortified site in Greece It was made up of an alliance of powerful monarchies, each living in a fortified center within large stone walls. The rest of the population lived outside these walls.
Mycenae Culture The Mycenaeans had a warrior culture. They created an extensive commercial network. Their pottery has been found throughout the Mediterranean area. They conquered some of the Greek islands, including Crete.
Collapse of Mycenae The Mycenaean states began to war on each other, and earthquakes damaged their civilization. It collapsed by 1100 B.C. after new waves of invaders moved into Greece from the north.
Homer The most famous of their supposed military adventures comes to us in the poetry of Homer. According to Homer, the Mycenaeans sacked the city of Troy, on the northwestern coast of modern Turkey, around 1250 B.C. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, led them. Homer Trojan Horse Agamemnon
Homer's Values Both of Homer’s poems gave the Greeks an ideal past and a set of values. Fathers had their sons memorize all of Homer to learn how to act well and be virtuous men. The basic Homeric values were courage and honor.
Greek Drama The Greeks, principally in Athens, created Western drama. Plays were presented as part of religious festivals. The original Greek dramas were tragedies, presented in trilogies around a common theme.
The Polis: Center of Greek Life A polis was a town, city, or village serving as a center where people met for political, economic, social, and religious activities. The main gathering place was usually on a hill, topped with a fortified area called the acropolis. Below was the agora, an open area for people to assemble and for a market. acropolis agora
Greek Warfare A new military system based on hoplites developed by 700 B.C. Hoplites were infantry who carried a shield, sword, and spear. They fought shoulder to shoulder in a formation called a phalanx. This close formation made the hoplites a powerful force.
Greek Colonies Colonies were founded in Italy, France, Spain, and northern Africa. The Greeks also settled along the shores of the Black Sea, setting up cities on the Hellespont and Bosporus. The most notable was Byzantium, which later became Constantinople and then Istanbul. Bosporus Hellespont
Ancient Greece What one word best describes the geography of Greece? What was the first civilization in Greece? What other Greek civilization destroyed the first one? What one word best describes that culture? Who is the greatest writer of ancient Greece? His most famous story is of the sacking of the city _______. What two virtues did Homer write of? What city is the center of the literary world for Greece? What kind of dramas did the Greeks love? Greek soldiers were called____________.