e-Official Journal of the European Union The authentic e-Official Journal of the European Union One year on Martine Reicherts EU Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Lyon, 18 August 2014
Legal information in transition Shift from paper to digital New role for government publishing bodies: from publisher to information hub Access anywhere, anytime, from any device Open legal data
Access to EU legislation Unique status of EU legislation EU as a community of law A special type of legislator Legislation in 23/24 languages to ensure access for all Publications Office of the EU responsible for publication of EU official information Publication of the Official Journal of the European Union – a key task
The Official Journal of the EU – past and present Three ages of the OJ: The Paper Age Hybrid Paper-Digital Age The Digital Age Daily availability of the OJ in 23/24 official languages of the EU – unique in the world
The e-Official Journal – how did we get there? Gradual shift in the way users access EU legislation Council Regulation (EU) No 216/2013 on the electronic publication of the Official Journal of the European Union
The e-Official Journal – how does it work? Technical aspects Public-key infrastructure Signature platform Verification platform Organisational issues Authentic Official Journal Signature Policy Fall-back procedure
The e-Official Journal – where is it published? EUR-Lex Free online access to EU law and other legal documents Available in 23/24 languages New spring 2014 release In line with the latest developments in semantic technologies Links with national legislation Reuse possibilities
What next for the e-Official Journal? Shift from daily to continuous publication of legal data No need to package legal information into fixed daily format Act-by-act production and publication flow Single law item authenticity
Future challenges for access to EU law Simplification of access to EU law Consolidation and codification Full use of semantic technologies to benefit from the potential of open legal data Better regulation package, refit
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