FAQ 02 How to upload completed Assessment Tasks to the website From the main menu selection screen – select the course you are enrolled in If I were enrolled in the Certificate of Registration Salesperson course – I would click on the course marked in red To progress through this slide show, simply click your mouse or use the arrow keys
Once you have accessed your course, there are several ways to upload your saved document: Scroll down the course until the Activities panel on the left hand side of the screen is displayed. Then click on Assignments A screen showing a summary of your assignments will be displayed. You simply click on the required CPPDSM####A Assessment Tasks link OR…
Alternative upload method: Scroll down the main course screen to the module you are wanting to upload select the required CPPDSM####A Assessment Tasks link
Either of these methods will display the assessment task questions… To submit or edit a submission for this module, scroll to the bottom of the assessment task questions screen Now you can select the e button to proceed to uploading a document from your computer
The assessment task questions will again be displayed… To access the upload function for this module, again scroll to the bottom of the assessment task questions screen You need to acknowledge that the document you are submitting is your own work by clicking the checkbox Now you can select the Add… button to locate your saved assessment tasks document on your computer
The file picker screen will be displayed… To select a saved document from your computer, select the choose fil button The “open a file” pop-up will be displayed Browse for and select the document you wish to upload. Select the open button to choose the file The file name will be displayed in the “Attachment” field. Select the button to effect the upload
The confirmation screen will be displayed… Your uploaded document should be displayed in File Submissions panel You can add another file by repeating the process by clicking the Add… link again; or Just click on the [Continue] button to save your work and navigate back to the assessment task questions screen From here you can use the header/menu path to navigate back to : your course by selecting the NSW RESP (or course id) link, or; the home screen by clicking on the HOME link Press the Esc key to exit the slide show