Marketing SNAP at your Farmers Market Farmers Market Federation of NY Webinar February 21, 2018 Margaret O’Neill
Keys to Effective Marketing of SNAP at your Farmers Market: Know WHO your Audience is Know WHERE your Audience is Determine HOW to reach your Audience
Using Data to Inform Decisions Information is POWER. Data about your Market, your community, and your potential audiences can inform decisions in order to maximize impact and make good use of limited resources.
Sources of Data... State & Federal Agencies Customers Information you collect from your Market
NYS Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance..the WHO How many people in your county receive SNAP benefits, and what is the $ value of SNAP benefits to your county? Scope of SNAP audiences and allocations by county 1. Programs & Services 2. Resources & Data 3. Monthly Caseload Data 4. Select Year and Month 5. Table #16 Distribute evaluation planning worksheet. Small groups if time permits.
Determine SNAP Audiences by Zip Code…the WHERE NYS Office of Temporary & Disability Department of Family Assistance, District Office Identify your local district office and develop a contact there
Greater Rochester SNAP Collaborative – USDA Grant Unified Effort to Increase SNAP usage at 5 Rochester area Farmers Market: Community Wide Marketing Effort to increase Awareness of SNAP & FMs Development of a SNAP Token Center at the Rochester Public Market Market Staff Salary Support
Data From Customer Focus Group – Why they Shop at FMs Fresh Foods Affordability Support Local Farmers Health Benefits Family Fun
Focus Group – Recommended Messages…the HOW Availability of Markets Increase Awareness of Incentives ( ex: Fresh Connect Checks) Promote Produce, especially Fruit Fun of all
Focus Group – Recommended Delivery of Messages Trusted Individuals: Mayor, SNAP Shoppers, Foodlink Nutrition Educators, Vendors, Community Partners Where to Deliver Message – Health offices, Social Services, Libraries, Community Agencies, Schools Venues: Buses, Radio, TV, Flyers, Point of Sale
Marketing Materials Developed: Print Materials: Flyers, Posters, Banners, A-Frame Signs, Retractable Signs, Business Cards, Post Cards, Table Runners Paid Adverting: Buses, Radio, TV, Newspapers website Community Events: Health Fairs, Festivals, Community outreach
Farmers Markets ROC Collaborative – Flyer, Poster
Farmers Markets ROC Collaborative – Business Card
Farmers Markets ROC Collaborative – Retractable Sign
Farmers Markets ROC Collaborative – Transit Signs
Market Token Center - RPM
Collecting and Using Data to Market SNAP… Can help to answer questions, and provide input to inform decisions.
Marketing SNAP at Your Farmers Market… Reaching out to SNAP audiences is a Win-Win – providing healthy affordable foods to everyone in the community, while supporting local agriculture