Expression of Hoxa9 and Meis1a in spleen cells isolated from leukemic recipients of Hoxa9‐ and Meis1a‐transduced bone marrow cells. Expression of Hoxa9 and Meis1a in spleen cells isolated from leukemic recipients of Hoxa9‐ and Meis1a‐transduced bone marrow cells. Total spleen RNAs from nine leukemic mice (experiment 1) and one normal mouse (M) were analyzed by Northern hybridization to determine the expression of the retrovirally derived Hoxa9 (4.1 kb) and Meis1a (4.2 kb) transcripts. Autoradiographs are shown for membranes hybridized to probes specific for: Neor (top panel) showing both the expression of the 4.1 kb LTR‐driven Hoxa9‐bearing mRNA, as well as the internal pgk promoter‐driven 1.3 kb Neor mRNA; Hoxa9 (middle panel); and Meis1a (bottom panel). Mouse numbers are identified above the top panel. Exposure times were 18–24 h. The abnormal signals in lane 3 are secondary to poorly run RNA. The pgk promoter‐driven Neor in lane 9 is of abnormal size. This probably represents a splice variant as the integrated provirus is not rearranged in these cells (Figure 5C, lane 9). Each lane was loaded equally as determined by ethidium bromide staining of the membrane and by hybridization to an 18S rRNA probe (not shown). Evert Kroon et al. EMBO J. 1998;17:3714-3725 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend