NHS Education for Scotland Transforming Roles: District Nursing Jane Harris Programme Director NHS Education for Scotland
Transforming Services Transforming Roles Transforming Education
Part 1: Transforming Roles Discussion point Part 2: DN Refocused Role Discussion point
NHS Scotland’s vision for 2020 longer and healthier lives for all, at home or in a homely setting reducing health inequalities - prevention, anticipation and supported self-management hospital care - highest standards of quality and safety, with the person at the centre of all decisions back to home or community as soon as appropriate, with minimal risk of re-admission
This slide represents current policy initatives. The Golden Thread of Nursing runs through this busy landscape of policy drivers and none of it would happen without nurses Its also about the importance of integration and all programmes and workstreams working together
Policy Drivers Pulling Together: transforming urgent care for the people of Scotland. National Clinical Strategy (2016) Primary Care Transformation Health & Social Care Delivery Plan ( 2017) Personalised care: Integrated teams working for people
CNO Transforming Nursing Roles Phase 1 Aims To provide strategic oversight, direction & governance to the development and transformation of nursing roles To ensure nationally consistent, sustainable & progressive nursing roles and career pathways
Transforming Nursing Roles ( Phase 1) Workforce with the right skills, values and behaviours - right time/place CNO Transforming Nursing Roles (Phase 1) Advanced Practice District Nursing Children, Young People and Families Setting the Direction Postgraduate Education and Development Group
Phase 1 – Remit for the DN Review Group Role definition and unique contribution National model for caseload weighting – referral and discharge criteria Evidence base DN education, CPD and career pathways
Phase 2 CNO Transforming NMaHP Roles PG Education & Development Group Physicians Associates Children, Young People and Families Leadership Team Phase 2 AP AHP Advanced Practice AP MW Short Life Working Groups General Practice Nursing Specialist Nursing
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Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Definition and Competencies Service and Education Needs analysis Priority areas Education Scoping Managing Funding for ANP education (SG investment to support training for 500 ANPs by 2021)
Health Visiting Role definition Revised HV education SG funding for training additional 500 HVs to meet requirements of the C&YP Scotland Act ( 2014) CPD for HVs
School Nursing Role definition New education Programmes CPD for current SNs
General Practice Nursing Role Definition and Competencies New GMS Contract NES managing significant SG investment in CPD for current GPNs Commissioned evaluation of current GPN education provision Continued funding for next 2 years
Put yourself in the shoes of those leading Transforming Discussion point 1 Put yourself in the shoes of those leading Transforming Roles What do you think are the most important things to address if this change is to be effective ?
3 key aspects of the refocused role Enabling independence Care for people who are frail or unwell Caseload management and leadership
Refocused Role Pivotal role in integrated community teams Senior Practitioner within the career pathway High level generalist competencies Across hospital/community’ boundaries - adapt and innovate Work flexibly in partnership with patients, carers, communities, health and social care professionals and voluntary agencies
District Nursing V300 and Clinical assessment modules Digital CPD Resource supported by 5 regional events Small project funding Future model for DN education in Scotland
District Nursing Development of an Education and career development pathways model applied to community nursing in first instance publication prepared and almost ready to go Recommendation for a nationally recognised caseload weighting tool/guidance and criteria on DN caseloads complementing exisiting WF/WL tools
Education and Career Pathway model: Community example
Transforming Roles Publications CNO Directorate
Now in your own shoes…………………… Discussion point 2 What do you think are the most important things to address if DN change is to be effective and what is already happening in your locality? Now in your own shoes……………………