Section 2 Chapter 22 The New Deal Mr. Riddlebarger The Second New Deal Section 2 Chapter 22 The New Deal Mr. Riddlebarger
How do you restore hope to the hopeless? The New Deal did not make the Great Depression vanish. Yet the sense of forward movement it created did help to generate hope. In the Second New Deal, the government increased its commitment to work-relief programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). These programs helped give millions of Americans a new outlook on life. The men in these camps gained new job skills, government-sponsored education, new friendships and more. Their work equipped them with the skills necessary to cope with life’s problems. P. 709 in text
Impact of 1st New Deal Restoring Hope Impact on 1934 elections work-for-pay.
Works Progress Administration WPA employment labor professional arts “You worked, you got a paycheck and you had some dignity.”
Social Security Centerpiece of the 2nd New Deal Social Security Act (1938) Pension for elderly unemployment insurance
Reviving Organized Labor Passage of NIRA in first New Deal was major step forward. Workers guaranteed rights to form unions Many businesses ignore rules Wagner Act Outlaws anti-Union practices Establishes National Labor Relations Board Organized labor membership surges Reviving Organized Labor
CIO is born New Union challenges AFL AFL looked down on unskilled labor Congress for Industrial Organization (CIO) breaks from AFL in 1935 led by John Lewis Supports unskilled labor
G-M Sit-Down Strike 1936: New strategy tried: sit- down strike 6 weeks Big victory for labor Photo:
FDR goal Rural Electrification Act impact Rural Electricity
Election of 1936 FDR vs. Alf Landon FDR ignores him. Democratic triumphs *** African-Americans shift in vote (REP to DEM)
A Troubled Year-1936 Court -Packing Plan Many supporters desert FDR and plan fails.
Recovery in Doubt 1937 set back to economy Stock Market drop -> job cuts Concern of deficit John Maynard Keynes Keynesian Economics & deficit spending 1938 rebound