Unit 1: Human Beginnings Vocabulary
In this unit, students will examine the origins of human society In this unit, students will examine the origins of human society. Students should develop an understanding of the role of paleontologists, archaeologists, and anthropologists in the context of social studies and prehistory. Students should be able to analyze the origins of human society and trace its transition from nomadic hunter-gatherer cultures to agrarian civilizations, including the introduction and subsequent developments of tools and agricultural technology.
Anthropologist Scientist who studies the physical characteristics and cultures of humans and their ancestors.
Archaeologist Scientist who learns about past human life by studying fossils and artifacts
Artifact Weapon, tool, or other item made by humans.
Cro-Magnon is a name that has been used to describe the first early modern humans (early Homo sapiens sapiens)
Hominid Family of Primates, and us also used in the more restricted sense as hominins or "humans and relatives of humans
Hunter-gatherer A society is where most or all food is obtained from wild plants/berries and animals.
Ice Age Is a period of long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental and polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers.
Migration The movement from one country or region and settle in another.
Nomads People who move from place to place, who hunted and gathered. (Uncivilized)
Origin The point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived
Paleontologist (Paleontology) A Scientists who studies the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms. (Paleontology)
Prehistoric Is the span of time before recorded history or the invention of writing systems.
What is Social Studies ? A course of study including geography, history, government, and sociology