Wrapping Anodes Back To Basics Welcome to Wrapping Anodes: Back to Basics Before we introduced the pre-sewn jackets, the primary method for covering anodes was a combination of cotton batting, which serves as the absorbent insulating material and the rolled sleeving material, which holds the cotton batting in place and provides wear resistance The purpose of this presentation is to make you aware of those alternative cover materials and to demonstrate how to wrap the various styles of anodes with them. Back To Basics Copyright 2012 SIFCO Applied Surface Concepts, LLC
Back To Basics If you have been using a cotton jacket material: You will want to use SIFCO cotton sleeving. If you have been using a polyester jacket material: You will want to use the blended or the polyester sleeving. There are various sizes available. We can help you to determine which size is fit for your particular anodes. There are two basic types of sleeving materials available, cotton and polyester. Cotton is a very pure material, but does not offer much wear resistance. It is very “dry” to the touch. And it can be used with almost every solution we offer. Polyester provides better wear resistance, but may affect the performance of some solutions. It has a slightly slippery feel to it. Please note that technical data sheets for the preparatory and plating solutions contain recommendations for cover material usage. As a good rule of thumb, you should usually use cotton batting covered with cotton sleeving for your preparatory operations. The final cover sleeving you choose for the plating anode depends first, on the specific recommendations in the technical data sheet and then on how long you’ll be plating – or how much wear resistance you’re going to need. With either choice, the more layers of sleeving you use, the longer you can use the cover (that is until it wears through all of the layers and into the batting material).
Sleeving Material Available DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER Sleeving, Cotton 000C 6.35 mm x 45 m (1/4 in. x 50 yd.) 11800020 Sleeving, Cotton 00C 9.53 mm x 45 m (3/8 in. x 50 yd.) 11800010 Sleeving, Cotton 01C 15.8 mm x 45 m (5/8 in. x 50 yd.) 11800000 Sleeving, Cotton 12C 25.4 mm x 45 m (1 in. x 50 yd.) 11800050 Sleeving, Cotton 34C 38.1 mm x 45 m (1 1/2 in. x 50 yd.) 11800100 Sleeving, Cotton 56C 66.8 mm x 45 m (2 5/8 in. x 50 yd.) 11800150 Sleeving, Polyester 000P 6.35 mm x 45 m (1/4 in. x 50 yd.) 11801020 Sleeving, Polyester 00P 9.53 mm x 45 m (3/8 in. x 50 yd.) 11801010 Sleeving, Polyester 01P 15.8 mm x 45 m (5/8 in. x 50 yd.) 11801000 Sleeving, Polyester 12P 25.4 mm x 45 m (1 in. x 50 yd.) 11801050 Sleeving, Polyester 34P 38.1 mm x 45 m (1 1/2 in. x 50 yd.) 11801100 Sleeving, Polyester 56P 66.8 mm x 45 m (2 5/8 in. x 50 yd.) 11801150 As you can see there are numerous sizes of each material available. It is important to note that both the cotton and the polyester sleevings have a fair amount of stretch to them.
Matching Sleeving to Your Anodes SLEEVING (000 C,P) PT-1, PT-2 SLEEVING (00 C,P) PT-5, PT-6, ID-5, ID-6 SLEEVING (01 C,P) PT-8, ID-8 SLEEVING (12 C,P) PT-10, PT-13, ID-10, ID-13 SLEEVING (34 C,P) ID-19, ID-25, ID-32, ID-38, ID-50, OD-25, OD-30, OD-40, OD-50 FT-40, FT-60, FT-65, FT-65F, FT-75, FT-125 SLEEVING (56 C,P) ID-63, ID-75, ID-100, OD-60, OD-70, OD-80, OD-90, OD-100 FT-90, FT-90F, FT-115, FT-115F These are our general recommendations for selecting a sleeving material to fit a particular anode. This is based on using between 1/8” and ¼” thickness of batting.
Wrapping Anodes The following figures illustrate how cotton batting and sleeving covers are applied. Cotton batting covers with sleeving should generally be approximately 5 mm (3/16 in.) thick. They should also be as uniform in thickness as possible. Thick areas have more resistance to current flow and less plating results in these areas. In the following slides we will show you the basic steps for wrapping our common standard anodes. As you attempt this for the first time, be patient. Getting the sleeving over the underlying cotton batting (while maintaining a nice smooth surface… that is no big lumps) can sometimes be a challenge.
Wrapping an ID Style Anode PREPARATION OF COTTON BATTING Cut a piece of long-fiber cotton batting about one inch wider than the length of the SIFCO anode and 6 to 8 times longer than the diameter. Split the cotton to about 2 mm (3/32 in.) thickness so that the final cover thickness after rolling will be 5 mm (3/16 in.). Lay the cotton on a table and wet the anode with water so that it will adhere to the end of the cotton. Roll anode into cotton in the direction of the cotton fibers, to gather it up. Feather the ends of the cotton so that the long fibers can be intertwined. Use sharp scissors when cutting the batting and sleeving. First cut the cotton batting to be slightly wider than your ID anode and six to eight times longer than the diameter of the anode. Wet the anode with tap water to help hold the cotton in place, then smoothly wrap the cotton around the anode (not too tightly). Make sure to feather the loose end. Then trim the excess cotton so that the edge is flush with the end of the anode.
Wrapping an ID Style Anode SLEEVING SECURES COTTON WRAP The application of sleeving provides maximum wear resistance and reduces cutting through on sharp edges. Cut a piece of sleeving at least three times as long as the anode and slip the first layer as on a finger. Twist the unused part of sleeving and then slip second layer over. Secure end of sleeving with a rubber band or polyester sleeving tie. The finished wrapping should be neat and compact with no bulges or thin spots. Now cut a fairly long piece of sleeving… at least three times the length of your ID anode. Roll it up like putting on a sock and then slip it over the batting as shown above until the loose end extends about ½” beyond the cotton. Then give the sleeving one twist and add a second layer. If you cut the sleeving long enough, you can put on several layers in this fashion. Make sure that your last layer ends up with the loose end of the sleeving going in toward the handle. Secure the sleeving in place with a rubber band. A properly wrapped ID anode will not be too tight (if it is, it will not absorb the solution). It will also be smooth… that is no lumps!
Wrapping Flat Anode FOLD COTTON AROUND ANODE The long-fiber cotton pad for flat anodes should be cut to provide a 13 mm (1/2 in.) overlap around the anode. Place the anode on the cotton making sure that the length of the cotton fibers run in the direction of the long side of the anode. Fold the cotton evenly around the anode and keep the bottom surface smooth. Now let’s wrap a flat anode. The same rules for cutting apply here… the cotton should be slightly larger than the anode so that it can wrap up the sides. If the batting is not large enough, sharp edges may wear through the sleeving and arc out on the part. Again, wetting the anode will help the cotton stay in place when you’re putting the sleeving over it.
Wrapping Flat Anode INSERT INTO SLEEVING Holding the wrapped anode by the bottom to keep the cotton smooth, insert it into a piece of sleeving at least three times as long as the anode. Twist the unused part of sleeving and then slip the second layer over the anode and secure the end with rubber bands or polyester sleeving ties. Putting the sleeving over the flat anodes can be challenging as you try to ensure the batting remains smooth and flat underneath. You can see how much the sleeving stretches when it opens up… but when it gets larger that way, it becomes shorter. So, be sure to cut a piece that is long enough to allow at least two wraps and also allow enough excess material to tie off the loose end. Remember, if you make the sleeving too tight, it won’t absorb solution well.
Wrapping Flat Anode CUT HOLE FOR HANDLE Cut a hole in the sleeving large enough to screw the SIFCO tool handle into the anode. The fully wrapped flat anode should have a smooth even pad of cotton on the bottom, secured tightly by the sleeving. And by the way, make sure that you put your batting on the side of the anode without the hole for the handle. Once you’ve secured the cover, you need to cut a small hole (remember, this material stretches) for the handle.
Wrapping An OD Anode PREPARATION OF COTTON BATTING Cut a piece of cotton batting large enough to cover the concave side of the anode to be wrapped. It is important that the cotton fibers run along the longest dimension of the pad. This pad can be split into two layers for use on smaller anodes. Thickness of the cotton used may vary according to the application. Experience has shown that 5 mm (3/16 in.) thickness works well for the average application. Mold the cotton to the concave side of the anode (Picture 12). Wetting the anode with water will help the cotton adhere to the anode. The OD anode is wrapped in a similar fashion to the flat anode. The cotton should fit smoothly into the contour and it should be cut as shown here to be wide enough to allow the material to wrap around the sharp edges.
Wrapping An OD Anode FASTEN SLEEVING Cut a suitable size of sleeving (at least 3 times the length of the anode) and slip half the sleeving over the anode and cover. The remaining half of the sleeving is then twisted and slipped over the anode. At least 2 layers of sleeving cover are thus provided, the ends of which are secured with rubber bands or sleeving ties around the base of the solution flow tube. This is the most challenging anode to wrap. But the same rules apply… open the sleeving and roll it on like a sock. Make sure the inside diameter that rides on the part is smooth. Make sure your piece of sleeving is long enough to allow for several layers. Your final layer should result in the two loose ends being on the same side of the anode (and opposite the twist).
Wrapping An OD Anode FASTEN SLEEVING Cut a hole in the sleeving for the SIFCO tool handle and insert the handle. The finished tool should have a smooth concave surface. As with the flat anode, you need to cut a small hole to allow the handle to screw into the anode.