Welcome to Second Grade! Ell-Saline Elementary Room 109 Alison Williams, teacher
Mission: Learning Plan of Action Make students feel comfortable by using fair and consistent rules and expectations so that they are able to take risks and try new things. Team Members Students Parents Teachers
Class Rules Be safe. Be helpful. Be respectful. Be responsible. Be a hard worker.
Rewards and Consequences We will have class celebrations periodically for good behavior. Students who choose not to follow the rules will receive an office referral.
Daily Schedule 8:10 Bell 8:15 Bal-A-Vis-X 8:25 Attendance 8:30 Music 8:55 PE 9:20 Art (Monday) 9:20 Class Meeting 9:45 Science/SS 10:30 Math 11:35 Lunch and Recess 12:15 Read Aloud 12:30 Reading 1:30 Language 2:30 Library/PAWS (Monday) 2:30 Recess 2:50 Silent Reading 3:15 Silent Reading 3:35 Wrap-Up 3:45 Bell
Science Natural resources Insects and spiders Matter and energy Water Soil and rocks Health and safety Sun, moon, and stars
Social Studies Map skills Continents and oceans Goods and services Spending and saving Our country’s leaders Kansas history American history
Math Addition and subtraction strategies Place value to 100 Money Regrouping (carrying and borrowing) with 2-digit numbers Time Estimating Data and statistics Measurement Place value to 1000 Regrouping with 3-digit numbers Geometry
Rocket Math Students are assessed to find their writing speed, and their goal to complete is based on this assessment. Students are assessed to find out how many facts they already know, and their level placement is based on this assessment. Students complete addition A-Z, then subtraction A-Z, followed by two-minute reviews over addition and subtraction. Students who complete all addition and subtraction will start on multiplication.
Lunch and Recesses Second grade eats lunch at 11:35 every day. If you would like to have lunch with your child, please call Karen Smith by 9 am. Recesses are at 11:55 and 2:30. Mrs. Peterson and Ms. Williams will take turns with recess duty.
Reading Guided Reading Running Records Other Assessments Teachers Centers Other Units
Language Sitton Spelling Word Wall Word Lists Working with Words Animated Literacy Write Source Writer’s Workshop
Library and PAWS Classes will be on alternate Mondays. Library skills and checkout time 6 books/2 at home Character education and study skills
Computers Goal: to integrate technology into at least one subject area per week Research, games, programs Computer lab Wireless labs Elmo New projector
Accelerated Reader Silent reading time will be from 2:50 to 3:35 Tuesday to Friday. Students will read, take tests, and visit the library during this time. Goals are set based on students’ reading level and time spent reading. Students will receive weekly goal cards to help them stay on track. TOPS reports will be sent home daily. Please see incentives sheet for information about quarterly and yearly incentives.
Homework Check take-home folders every night Word list Read 20 minutes Unfinished work Flash cards Occasional- other assignments
Checklists Quarterly assessment N=needs more time D=developing M=mastered Students are not expected to have skills mastered until the END of second grade.
Communicate If you have any questions, please ASK. School contact information (8 to 4) Phone: 827-8891 Email: awilliams@ellsaline.org If you know you won’t be able to sleep Phone: 643-1851