DAILY BULLETIN Tuesday 25 June
AWARDS CEREMONY Any pupil who is being presented with an Award/Certificate at the Awards Ceremony on Thursday evening, must attend a rehearsal on THURSDAY in the Hall at 2pm. Please go to registration and then come straight to the hall. Mrs Ingham
JEWELLERY CLUB Jewellery club will be on TOMORROW (not Thursday) to complete your clocks. Thanks Mrs Moore
SCHOOL COUNCIL School Council Elections will take place TOMORROW. The polling station will be in the Assembly Hall for S2-S5 and pupils will vote at the following times; S2 – S3 – S4 – S5 – S5, S6 and Staff can vote for Head Boy and Head Girl in the Library from Period 1 until end of lunch. The winning candidates will be announced at an Assembly Period 6. Good luck to all the candidates!
OXFAM Looking to improve your CV, gain friends and learn new skills? Come and volunteer at your local Haddington Oxfam shop and enjoy these benefits whilst working in a friendly environment knowing you are doing your bit to improve the lives of others. Just come in store and collect an application form to get started. Graham and Niall, IF Campaigners at Oxfam
LAMP HOUSE MUSIC Following on from a very successful Activities Week with Knox pupils, Lamp House Music will be running two Summer Music Schools in July and August, creating rock bands. For more information, please speak to Miss Orr. Places are limited, so act quickly! Miss Orr
CHARITY LES MISERABLES FILM Les Miserables will be showing at Gifford Village Hall on 28 JUNE, in aid of 2014 China Expedition. Doors open at 7.30pm, film starts 8pm. Tickets are £3 on the door. Popcorn and comfy seats available! For more info contact Perry Stewart and Ellie Thomson
CHINA TEAM 1 - MEETING There will be a very short meeting at morning interval THIS MORNING. Attendance is essential. L Woolley
S1 – S3 COMPUTER GAMES CLUB If you want to build a world in Minecraft, have a group game of FIFA or create your own game using Scratch, Kodu or Blender come along to M1.14 at lunchtime. Open Monday – Wednesday this week Mr McSwan
DRAMA AND ART PUPILS S4-S6 The Brunton Theatre is running a competition for A4 backdrop designs depicting scenes of romance and Paris to accompany Jacques Brel lyrics. Have your work projected full scale in the Theatre this Autumn. Competition closes 2 September – an ideal holiday challenge. Meet in Ms Edgars room TOMORROW at 1.45pm for more details or ask if you are in the Art Department. Ms Edgar Name
S6 PANTO Change from yesterdays bulletin notice….Meeting in Drama studio 1 at INTERVAL ON THURSDAY for all S6 pupils about this years senior xmas show. See you then! Miss Whitfield & Miss Orr
S2/S3/S4 GIRLS FOOTBALL There is a meeting TODAY at break in the PE classroom. KO is 4.30pm KO today at the 3G Astro. Mr Wands
SUMMER TRAMPOLINING City Of Edinburgh Trampoline Club City Of Edinburgh Trampoline Club are running a variety of Trampoline & DMT programmes over the summer holidays at Meadowmill. Pick up an information sheet from Miss Jeffrey.