Project Objectives, Workplan and Timescales EU Common Implementation Strategy Project 2.1- Pressures & Impacts (IMPRESS) Project Objectives, Workplan and Timescales
Background Article 5 & Annex II- Characterisation of RBD Identification of significant human pressures on surface and groundwaters Assessment of likely impact on water status WFD Deadline December 2004, reviewed Dec 2013 Project is jointly managed by UK and Germany Project Managers: Volker Mohaupt - Federal Environment Agency, Germany Dave Foster - Environment Agency for England & Wales Participation - 14 Member States, plus Norway, EEA, Joint Research Centre, EUROSTAT and 5 stakeholder groups
Aims Develop common understanding of most effective approach to identification of pressures and assessment of potential impact of these pressures Identify appropriate tools to assist with this analysis, and where further development is needed Develop and disseminate guidance on the above
Progress Initial scoping meeting as part of 6th Technical Workshop between UK Environment Agencies & German Lander Working Group on Water (LAWA), Belfast, June 2001 Attended by 8 MS and EUROSTAT Output- Background paper on “Identification of significant human pressures and impacts” Sets out key principles to be addressed in guidance. Development of draft questionnaire for MS collation of current “best practice”, generic sources of information currently available tools
Next Steps (1) Formal Kick-off meeting Tuesday 23rd October, Brussels discussion of background papers, introduce questionnaire to MS, agree updated workplan, develop links to other working groups. Questionnaires to completed by end 2001
Next Steps (2) First working group workshop: March 2002 Draft guidance document developed: March - August 2002 Second workshop: September 2002 (draft guidance discussed) Final guidance produced: October 2002 - December 2002 Guidance published: December 2002
Next Steps (3) Working Arrangements Before Workshop 1 (Oct 2001 - March 2002) Complete Questionnaire (MS), Analyse results (project managers), Start to develop “outline guidance” on key issues (working group members, with structure from project managers, plus input from questionnaire returns), At Workshop 2 (March 2002) Discussion / development of outline guidance Discussion of questionnaire analysis & implications Agreement of scope of Guidance Document
Potential Topics for Core Groups Common Understanding (e.g. significance) Scale Issues Estimating Impacts Sources of Data / Information Availability of Tools Baseline and trends
How Working Group members volunteer to develop papers on particular topics Other WG members to assist in drafting P Managers to identify the scope Questionnaire returns to inform the process
Next Steps (4) Before Workshop 2 (March 2002 - Sept 2002) Detailed development of key elements of guidance (working group members) Development of outline Guidance Document (project managers) Case Studies? At Workshop 2 (September 2002) Agreement of final guidance document After Workshop 2 (Sept 2002 - Dec 2002) Production of final guidance document
Links to Other Groups Identification of significant human pressures and their potential impacts on water status links several other aspects of the WFD, and hence other CIS projects Strong links have been identified with: Designation of Heavily Modified Waterbodies (Project 2.2) Reference conditions for inland surface waters (Project 2.3) Typology / classification of transitional & coastal waters (Project 2.4) Intercalibration (Project 2.5) - attended kick-off Economic analysis (Project 2.6) - attended last working group Development of a common GIS (Project 3.1) There are also potential links with most other CIS projects
Key Issues for Guidance Defining “pressures” and “what is significant” use of thresholds etc. Scale of analysis what is a waterbody? Identification of key categories of pressures Identification of sources of pressure information Linking pressures to impacts Assessment of baseline and trends in pressures Appropriate tools / models etc. To be discussed further later this morning
Working Arrangements - Issues For Discussion / Agreement Membership of working group Project Objectives Linkages to other working groups Working methods How to go about developing the various elements of the guidance Who and How, and by When Use of Case Studies Timescales Key milestones Dates of working group meetings / workshops