Dr Paul T Francis, MD Prof. Com Med College of Medicine, Zawia Diphtheria الخناق Dr Paul T Francis, MD Prof. Com Med College of Medicine, Zawia
Diphtheria Acute disease affecting the throat, tonsils and nose It can also cause toxemia which can be fatal It is seen mainly in the under developed countries In Libya, Diphtheria is very rare due to good immunization coverage
Agent factors Agent – C. diphtheriae Source of infection – case or carrier (includes chronic carriers) Mode of transmission – droplet infection Portal of entry Respiratory route (mainly) Wounds of the skin (rarely) Incubation period – 2-6 days
Epidemiological features Diphtheria is a disease of childhood(طفولة)
Diphtheria of the throat
Swelling of the neck due to Diphtheria in the throat
Diphtheria of the skin (neck)
Prevention and Control Cases should be isolated to prevent spread of disease Primary prevention Immunisation Secondary prevention Early diagnosis and treatment
Diphtheria immunisation Immunization In Libya, Diphtheria vaccine is included(مشمول) in the Penta vaccine 3 doses of Diphtheria vaccine (Penta) is given at 2, 4 and 6 months in the first year 4th dose of Diphtheria vaccine is given at 18 months (DPT) 5th dose of Diphtheria vaccine is given at 6 years (DT)
Summary Diphtheria is an acute disease of childhood Affects the throat and can cause death if severe Diphtheria can be prevented by vaccination 3 doses are given in the first year [2, 4 & 6 months(الشهور)] 4th dose at 18 months 5th dose at 6 years