AAHBC Convened in 1997 Originally titled the National Allied Health Benchmarking Consortium (NAHBC) Founded to facilitate the development of a standardised method of recording allied health activity in Australia’s public hospitals.
AAHBC responsibilities To enable a network of collaborative tertiary teaching hospitals to develop and maintain a standardised approach to benchmarking Provide input into allied health and whole of health strategies and projects through the utilisation of quality data sets and the combined input of experienced members across the network of participating hospitals.
Current Membership VIC SA NZ NSW QLD Tasmanian Health Service Alfred Health Austin Health Barwon Health Melbourne Health – Royal Melb Monash Health St Vincent’s Hospital Western Health SA Flinders Medical Centre Royal Adelaide Hospital Lyell McEwin Hospital NZ Capital & Coast DHB Hutt Valley NSW Nepean Hospital QLD Princess Alexandra Hospital Gold Coast University Hospital Tasmanian Health Service Royal Hobart Hospital Launceston General
Membership criteria Willingness to participate in group discussion and projects Established allied health governance structure Tertiary or teaching hospital with 250 +beds with significant annual separations Allied health data collection system/s in place Allied health data collected using the Australian Allied Health Classification System Contributing AH data to the Health Roundtable is beneficial and encouraged
Current Projects Clinical Care Ratios Understanding the impact of variations in allied health care within acute stroke Online learning platform Staff modelling
Clinical Care Ratios for Allied Health
Clinical Care Ratios: Quantifying Clinical versus Non-clinical care for Allied Health Professionals Paper published 2017 with Australian Health Review In August, AAHBC members commenced revalidation of the activity data with particular interest in CCR across and within disciplines Effect of increased mandatory training effect of past few years on CCR Effect of part time workforce on CCR
CCR Dashboard Example
Pilot Project: Acute Stroke management within tertiary teaching hospitals
Pilot project to enable demonstration of allied health contribution and reducing unwarranted variation in acute stroke nationally and validate a methodology for analytics Why Stroke? Despite well established guidelines, not all people with stroke receive appropriate treatment and there is variation in the type of care received
Research Questions Does variation in acute stroke care provided by allied health professions against the national stroke guidelines within tertiary teaching hospitals affect: Patient length of stay? Patient outcomes?
Online Learning Platform for Data Integrity
An online platform Provides a consistent approach to training for data classification Aims to reduce error rates through improved interaction within the training Builds real time feedback into education modules Allows reporting of accuracy of data classification within and across AAHBC sites
AHHBC Staffing Models
Background Benchmarking: Service Performance / Activity Episodes Occasions of Service Hours of Activity Per Episode Level Service Growth / Business Case Development The classic Ring-around How many beds do you have ? How much eft do you have ?
Staffing Model Access Database Uses EFT per bed as the comparator! This allows quick identification of areas for benchmarking Data can be wrapped up / drilled down within the three domains: AAHBC -> Hospital Allied Health -> Discipline Overall -> Clinical Groups -> Local Units
Clinical Disciplines Hospitals Units NUT OT PT SW …. Cardiology Gen Med Clinical Units Ortho Stroke …. ALF FMC RAH PAH …. NUT OT PT SW …. Disciplines Hospitals
AAHBC meetings Every 2 months via Zoom Face to Face meeting prior to HRT annually Site tours of local health facilities of interest Share common issues, innovations and solutions Identify shared cross site opportunities and project leads
Goals for 2018 Progress existing projects Investigate the use of Patient Related Outcome / Experience Measures (PROMS / PREMS) Within and across disciplines Across sites within AAHBC