Aim: Explain how the National Assembly changed France’s Government
The Assembly Reforms France August 4, 1789: Motivated by fear, nobleman joined other members of the National Assembly Swept away the feudal privileges of the First and Second Estates Made commoners equal to nobles and the clergy Adopted “The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizens” Document influenced by Dec. of Independence Stated that “men are born and remain free & equal in rights” Rights included “liberty, property, security, & resistance to oppression” Assembly took over church lands Declared that church officials would be elected Proceeds from sale of Church property went to pay off France’s debt 2
Divisions Develop 1791: Delegates made significant changes in France’s government & society National Assembly completed the new constitution Created a limited constitutional monarchy Stripped the king of much of his authority New constitution creates new legislative body Called Legislative Assembly Had the power to create laws & to approve or reject declarations of war King still held executive power 3
Factions Split France In new government, problems still existed Included food shortages, & government debt Question in how to deal with problems caused Legislative Assembly to split into 3 general groups 1) Radicals: Opposed idea of a monarchy 2) Moderates: Wanted some changes in government 3) Conservatives: Upheld idea of a limited monarchy & wanted few changes in government 4