Flower Anatomy 7th grade Science Start Here
Flower Anatomy Outer Parts Inner Parts Resources
Outer Parts Petals Calyx Peduncle Receptacle
Receptacle Back to Outer Parts Receptacle is the flower’s attachment to the stalk and in some cases becomes part of the fruit after fertilization.
Petals Back to Outer Parts Petals are used to attract insects into the flower. They may have guidelines on them and be scented.
Calyx is the collection of individual sepals. Back to Outer Parts Calyx is the collection of individual sepals. What are sepals?
Sepals Back to Outer Parts Sepals are the small leaves under the flower. They protect the flower and elevate the flower for the insects.
Peduncle is the stem of a flower. Back to Outer Parts Peduncle is the stem of a flower.
Inner Parts Stamen Pistil
Pistil Back to Inner Parts Stigma The pistil is the female reproductive organ of the flower. There are 3 parts of the pistil. Style Ovary
Stigma, Style, and Ovary Stigma Style Ovary Inner Parts The stigma receives the pollen during fertilization. The style is a tube on top of the ovary. The ovary is where the ovules are produced. *What are ovules?* Stigma Style Ovary
Stamen Inner Parts Anther The stamen is the male reproductive part of the flower. There are 2 parts of the stamen. Filament
Anther and Filament The filament is the stalk of the anther. Inner Parts Anther The filament is the stalk of the anther. The anther produces the pollen. *What is pollen?* Filament
Ovules are the female reproductive cells or eggs. Inner Parts Ovules are the female reproductive cells or eggs. Ovules
Pollen Inner Parts Pollen Pollen consists of the male reproductive cells. They fertilize the ovules.
Resources http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/plants/printouts/floweranatomy.shtml. http://www.naturegrid.org.uk/qca/flowerparts.html. Graphics provided by Cheryl Dever