Plants: Structure and Processes
Plant structures
Roots Absorb water, minerals Hold the plants in soil Store food (as sugar or starch)
Roots Root hair and root cap
Roots Root systems tap root – gymnosperms and dicots fibrous root - monocots
Stems Support to plant body Leaves and photosynthesis Contain reproductive structures Transport material up and down Some stems store material
Stems Herbaceous and woody stems
Leaves Increase surface area Chlorophyll and photosynthesis
Leaves Leave cells arranged in layers
Flowers Sepals, Petals, Stamens and Pistils Flowers and pollination
Plant Processes
Photosynthesis Chloroplast and energy capture
Photosynthesis Respiration (getting energy from food) Mitochondria
Photosynthesis Exchange of gases Transpiration
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis and energy transfer
Reproduction Fertilization
Reproduction Seed production
Reproduction From flower to fruit
Reproduction From seed to a plant
Reproduction Other modes
Development Seed germination and plant development
Development Plant hormones regulate growth Auxin and movement towards light Gibberellin and ethylene (use in agriculture)
Plant Tropism Growth in response to external factors (stimuli) Positive or negative
Plant Tropism Light (phototropism) Shoots positive, roots negative
Plant Tropism Gravity (gravitropism) Shoots negative, roots positive
Plant Tropism Seasonal responses
Plant Tropism Length of day (short and long day plants) Seasons and leaf loss Deciduous vs. evergreen