English in Current Affairs Unit One: The Media Unit Two: The Cultural Differences and Similarities Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Tutorial Outline Activity Two: Survey newspapers Activity One: A guide to the course Activity Two: Survey newspapers Activity Three: Study news headlines Activity Four: Analyze news reports Activity Five: Discover cultural attitude Activity Six: Disclose cultural imperialism Activity Seven: Encounter cultural misunderstanding Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Activity One A Guide to the Course Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
1. Q & A of the course What are the topics? What are the sources of the reading texts? What is the language skill focus? How many tasks are there altogether? How many tasks in average do you need to do everyday on this eight-week course? How should you learn the course? Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
2. More about the reading focus Fast reading skills Comprehension A reading text Topic-related vocabulary Language features Organization Inferring skills Critical thinking Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
3. Reading obstacles Vocabulary building action plan Sentence structure analysis Inadequate knowledge of grammar Small vocabulary size Identify reading purposes Extensive reading Lack of background information Lack of use of proper reading strategies Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
4. Reading extensively – an action plan Reports on current affairs Media Radio TV Newspaper Magazine Name BBC CCTV The Guardian Time Length of time 0.5 hr a day 0.5 hr a day 0.5 hr every day 4 hours every other week Time 6:00 -- 6:30 22:00--22:30 Lunch time The weekend with no tutorial Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
5. A sample day plan 6:00 – 6:30 News on radio 6:30 – 8:00 Morning chores 8:00 – 12:00 Work 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch and newspaper reading 14:00 – 18:00 18:00 – 20:00 Evening chores 20:00 – 23:00 Study (with half an hour TV break) Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Activity Two Survey Newspapers Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
1. Exchange information (P25) Work in groups. Exchange the newspaper descriptions you have done in your assignment within your group. Make up a list of information you have included in your descriptions. Then work on a group presentation. Present your description to class. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
2. A newspaper survey (P26-30) Survey the homepages of the four newspapers and answer the following questions: What are the sections these newspapers have? What are the sections they have in common? Is there anything unique about each paper? If yes, what is it? What do you like or dislike concerning the layout, the section design and the information of the homepages? Which section will you go to read first? Why? Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Activity Three Study News Headlines Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
1. What is it about? EU and China closer to deal on Beijing’s WTO entry US attacked China to continue fiscal program to aid economy US airborne units on Afghan frontier Doing business the dot-com way Candidate in the wind Fan kills wife Internet splits haves and have-nots The outbreak of Web War II Hillary goes tabloid Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
2. Features (P34) Are as short as possible. Usually omit auxiliary words (be) . Are as short as possible. Usually omit definite and indefinite articles. Often use past participles. Use “to do” to indicate the future tense. Usually adopt words with single syllabus. Use prepositional phrases or adjectives as predicates. Are eye-catching. Use figure of speech. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
3. Study your headlines Work in groups of four. Tell the other group members the headline of the news report you have enclosed in your assignment. Ask them to predict the gist of the news. Study the headlines contributed by your group members and identify the features they adopt. Elect the most eye-catching headline. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Activity Four Analyze News Reports Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
1. Comprehension – basic components Who Where When What Why How Work in pairs. Read the three texts on page 13, 40 and 42 and provide answers ORALLY to the above six questions. Find out if the presentation of the information in the three texts follow a similar pattern. Check if the “inverted pyramid” pattern applies to the three texts. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
2. Organization Lead: Introduction containing the most important or most interesting information More facts Supporting information or background Quotes or more facts of less importance Minor detail or reporter’s comment Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
3. Language features Work in groups of four. Review the language features that have been highlighted in the texts. Use of conjecture (P16). In favor of definite, specific, concrete language. In favor of positive form. In favor of participle phrases. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
4. Vocabulary building in relation to “Royal” in relation to “Divorce” Text 1(P13) in relation to “Kill” in relation to “Court” Text 2(P40) in relation to “See red” in relation to “Blue movie” Text 3(P42) Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
5. A case study What we have discussed are: Work in pairs. Study closely at the news report you have selected. Review it by examining the four issues on the right. Share your findings with the class. 1. Basic components 2. Organization 3. Language features 4. Vocabulary building Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Unit One In summary Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
What have we done already? Introduced newspapers. Examined newspaper sections. Studied news headlines and their features. Worked on the three news reports from the texts concerning: Basic components Organization pattern Language features Topic-related vocabulary Analyzed the news report you selected. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Unit One in Summary Activity Two: Newspapers Activity One: The Media Activity Three: Listening to a conversation Activity Six: Reading more newspaper articles The Media Activity Four: Finding your way around a newspaper Activity Five: Mews in conversation Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Discover Cultural Attitude Activity Five Discover Cultural Attitude Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
1. Procedures Study a poll report (P83) of the cultural attitudes of residents of five countries in Europe. Review the areas the poll surveys and the results it reveals. Summarize the patterns for presenting data from both the summary of the survey (P77-81) and the survey report (P83). Conduct a similar survey to your classmates. Analyze your survey findings and present them to class. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
2. Comprehension and organization ……………. 3 …………… 4 5 ……………. 1 Lead 6 …………….. 7 …………….. 8 ……………. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
3. Comprehension and organization 2 Survey questions 3 Results on forms of cultural expressions 4 5 Results on the most attractive country 1 Lead 6 Results on types of education 7 Results on channels of knowledge 8 comment Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
4. The survey: areas and results (P83) What are the survey questions? What are the results? 1. The areas which you deem the most important forms of cultural expressions. Literature, mathematics, economics, politics, history 2. The type of education you consider most appropriate for the modern world. Literature, science, technology, art Books, radio, television, travel, conversation, discussion 3. The best channels of knowledge. Literature, mathematics, economics, politics, history 4. The arts you value most. 5. The country you find most attractive from a cultural point of view. France, Italy Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
5. Pattern summary Summarize the patterns for presenting survey results from both the summary of the survey (P77-81) and the survey report (P83). The patterns should fall into the following categories. Patterns for presenting figures. Patterns for presenting the ratings. Patterns for presenting similar findings. Patterns for presenting controversial findings. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
5. Pattern summary Presenting the percentage: Presenting the rating: … by 40% of the interviewees …, with figures of 40% …, with the highest/lowest figure being 40% 40% of the respondents …. Presenting the rating: … occupy second place … emerge as the least popular … come at the top of the list … is given (low) priority Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
5. Pattern summary (continued) Presenting the rating (continued): To rate … as To name … as To place … as To identify … as To regard … as To favor … Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
5. Pattern summary (continued) c) Presenting similar findings: … have a common definition that … … share the view that … There is general agreement that …. … is equally … … share identical preference There are broad similarities Presenting controversial findings: There are clear differences in the views … The definition varies … Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
6. Conduct your survey Work in pairs. Choose one survey question from the five and interview everyone of your classmates to find out their attitude. With each pair, one should ask the question. The other should make a record of the answers. When you finish, work out the percentage of the answers. Report your finds to class. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
7. Present the survey results 1. The areas which you deem the most important forms of cultural expressions. Literature, mathematics, economics, politics, history 2. The type of education you consider most appropriate for the modern world. Literature, science, technology, art Books, radio, television, travel, conversation, discussion 3. The best channels of knowledge. Literature, mathematics, economics, politics, history 4. The arts you value most. 5. The country you find most attractive from a cultural point of view. France, Italy Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Disclose Cultural Imperialism Activity Six Disclose Cultural Imperialism Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
1. Reading focuses Fast reading skills Comprehension Cultural Imperialism Topic-related vocabulary Language features Organization Inferring skills Critical thinking Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
2. Understanding the argument ……………. Asia: Facts of success 3 …………… 4 …………… 5 ……………. 1 Lead West: Negative aspects 6 …………….. 7 …………….. 8 ……………. A call for a reflection 9 ………….. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
2. Understanding the argument Facts of success Asia: Facts of success 3 The Asian model 4 Definition 5 A transitional para. 1 Lead West: Negative aspects 6 Facts: crime 7 Fact: imprisonment 8 Of Western leaders A call for a reflection 9 Of the Europeans Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
3. Facts of success Facts under examination: Described as: Economic growth impressive Standard of healthcare and education superior to harmony and stability Communities and society Employment and crime enviable, high /low level Market institutions and communities dynamic and flourishing Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
4. Facts of negative aspects Facts under examination: Described as: Crime against property in Britain astonishingly common, worse Violence crime and homicide record in the US disturbing facts The murder rate in Moscow only Imprisonment in the US unable, no real deterrent to Crime in general far from desirable, not entirely satisfactory Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
5. Topic-related vocabulary Cultural acceptance: Cultural ignorance: tolerance of differences harmonious co-existence indigenous cultural tradition a sympathetic interest inability to appreciate elude No such interest is apparent overlook Cultural imperialism: Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
5. Topic-related vocabulary (continued) Cultural imperialism: Western ideals and practices have universal authority. Success is dependent on the adoption of Western values and institutions. Modernization implies westernization. Belief in the superiority of western models is unshaken. See one model as obligatory. Inflict one’s model on others. Hegemony is hastening a cultural decline. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Encounter Cultural misunderstanding Activity Seven Encounter Cultural misunderstanding Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Lead: five “WH”s in two sentences Quotes and supporting facts 1. Chris’ story Read the report on p97 and identify its organization. Lead: five “WH”s in two sentences More facts Quotes and supporting facts background Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
2. Your story Recall one of your experiences of cultural misunderstanding or cultural shocks and organize a report on that. Your report should contain: Lead: five “WH”s More facts Background (explanations of cultural conventions that cause the misunderstanding or shocks) Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Unit Two In summary Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
What have we done already? Studied a survey report. Conducted a survey on similar issues and presented the findings. Analyzed a commentary on cultural imperialism. Read a newspaper article on cultural misunderstandings. Shared your experience of cultural misunderstandings. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Cultural differences and similarities Unit Two in Summary Activity Two: Attitude to arts Cultural differences and similarities Activity One: Aspects of culture Activity Three: Report reading Activity Four: Cultural problems Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
A checklist of objectives Have we accomplished the following objectives? to offer guidance to the study of “English in current affairs”. to identify the organization and the language features of newspaper writing. to generalize the topic-related vocabulary. to practice inferring and critical reading skills. Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline
Thank you! Questions are welcome! Cao Wen, BeiwaiOnline