Zip Lock Bags (quart sized) Class News Week of September 10, 2018 Mrs. Mallory Message me on Dojo 912-754-5522 Things to Remember Sept. 14 Word Study Quiz Sept. 21 Unit 1 Math Test Sept. 28 +&- Unit 1 Quiz Sept. 28 Dress Down Day Oct 4. Half Day for student and PT conferences if scheduled Oct. 5-9 Fall Break – No School Your child needs to read, or be read to each night. Record the books on your child’s reading log. Their goal is to have 15 books logged by the end of the 9 weeks and they can pick a book from the principal’s book club. What we’re learning! Word Study: Short a and –ack words: an, had, bad, cat, can, ran, pack, Jack, back, rack Sight Words: away, every, call, hear, come, said Math: Addition , tally marks, numbers before and after, subtraction Read Aloud: Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon Shared reading: Me and Dad Weekly Story: Jack and the Wolf Life Skill: Phone number Homework 1. Read each night and record it on the reading log. 2. Practice making spelling words with the letter tiles in their folder. 3. Read and spell sight words (come, said, away) CORRECTION: Reading logs are for each 9 weeks, not for each month. I apologize for the confusion. Let’s try to fill them up and if you need additional space for books we can attach another one! Classroom Needs If you send something in for our class, please mark it with my name, otherwise it will go to their homeroom teacher. Zip Lock Bags (quart sized)