Chains Bellwork Week Four Vocabulary
Monday, January 29 1. unprofitable adj.- making no profit or not helpful or useful 2. melancholy adj.- a thoughtful or gentle feeling of sadness 3. fortifications noun- (p. 75) Structure for defense 4. inclination (p. 77)- noun- the way somebody feels about something or their tendency for something 5. parole (p. 82)- noun- a conditional release of a prisoner
Tuesday, January 30 7. fervor (p. 89)-noun- intense or extremely passionate enthusiasm 8. prattle (p. 95)- verb- to talk in a silly, idle, or childish way 9. elixir (p.124-) noun-a quick or magical cure or a sweetened solution of a medicine in water and alcohol 10. scabbard (p. 115) - noun- a sheath, or protective case for a sword or blade 11. askew (p. 107)- adj.-off center or crooked at an angle
Wednesday, January 31 Write out the complete sentence and add the vocabulary word. Circle the action verbs and underline the linking verbs. 1. I can’t listen to that radio DJ ___________ any longer about unimportant nonsense! 2. My mom gets a little ____________ when she starts thinking about the “good ole days.” 3. When Sideshow Bob was released on ___________, he immediately sought revenge against Bart Simpson.
Thursday, February 1 Write out the complete sentence and add the vocabulary word. The general drew his sword from his ____________, ready for action! Curzon likes to wear his hat ________ because it makes him look cool. Write out the sets of synonyms and then match the correct vocabulary to the set! 1. enthusiasm, passion, zeal: _______________ 2. battlements, structure, defenses: _______________ 3. medicine, solution, potion: ________________
Friday, February 2 Write out the complete sentence and add the vocabulary word. 1. Bernie had the ______________ to visit 7- 11 after school to get a snack because he was so hungry. 2. When I think about my old dog Annie I feel a little ________________. 3. As a sign of their intense ___________, they all made t-shirts to support the cause.
Extra Write out the sentences and circle the vocabulary word. Then underline the context clues that give the word added meaning! My friend loves to prattle on and on about boy bands, but I hardly listen to her chatter. The basketball crowd’s fervor was evident as they cheered and clapped for their favorite player.