IMPORTANT TERMS Oligarchy: Representative Government: Power by a few, rich and influential people. Representative Government: Representatives of the government are elected by the people to make the laws on their behalf. Responsible government: Representatives can be voted out if the representatives fail to please the majority of the people.
COLONIAL GOVERNMENT The government of the colonies was neither representative nor responsible in comparison to today’s government. The colonial governments placed the power in the hands of a small group of rich influential men. This type of government is referred to as an oligarchy.
MODERN DAY CONNECTION Can you think of places in the world today that are oligarchies?
COLONIAL GOVERNMENT Constitutional Act 1791 -Divided Upper and Lower Canada and created the government.
UPPER CANADA Government structure in Upper Canada Legislative Assembly Governor 2 appointed councils Legislative Council Executive Council This system appeared democratic All male citizens who owned land could vote. BUT—the governor and appointed councils could veto any laws Veto: to stop with authority
THE NEED FOR REFORM IN UPPER CANADA The Legislative Assembly Members are elected Wanted the government to spend money on projects that would benefit ordinary people Such as: schools, roads, etc The Appointed Councils (Executive and Legislative) Members are appointed (came from Family Compact) Wanted the government to build canals, improve business, and to ignore the problems of land speculation and Crown and Clergy reserves A difference in opinions = conflict! Reform was necessary.
ANGER IN UPPER CANADA People are angry Leaders start to appear Upset about how the government is set up and about land issues Remember: much of the good land was owned by absentee landowners or Crown and Clergy Reserves Leaders start to appear Known as REFORMERS
UPPER CANADA RADICAL REFORMERS Robert Gourlay Created a list of complaints from citizens He was arrested and deported After this people became angrier at the government.
UPPER CANADA RADICAL REFORMERS William Lyon Mackenzie Took over for Gourlay Became a radical reformer Often disagreed with more moderate reformers Used The Colonial Advocate (newspaper) Published articles that criticized the government and the Family Compact Member of the Legislative Assembly
UPPER CANADA MODERATE REFORMERS Robert Baldwin Egerton Ryerson Wanted to bring about reform BUT—wanted to do so peacefully through negotiation and debate
LOWER CANADA Lower Canada is controlled by Britain, but has a mostly French-Canadian population. Chateau Clique Like the Family Compact Elite group who had the power in Lower Canada English speaking
LOWER CANADA Government Structure Legislative Assembly Lieutenant-Governor 2 appointed councils Legislative Council Executive Council Members are elected Appointed Councils (Legislative and Executive) Members are appointed (from the Chateau Clique)
LOWER CANADA AND NATIONALISM Nationalism: a feeling of pride for one’s country. In Lower Canada French-Canadians started to develop pride in their French heritage French-Canadians felt discriminated against Three key problems: Discrimination (against the French) Unequal taxation Lack of power in the government Reform leaders start to appear Modern Quebec Flag Patriotes Flag
MODERN DAY CONNECTION What is the relationship between French Canada and English Canada like today? Discuss in pairs.
LOWER CANADA REFORMERS Louis Joseph Papineau Radical Powerful public speaker Leader of the patriotes Believed in the need for radical change
REBELLION ON THE HORIZON Conclusion: “The time has come to melt our plates and spoons to make bullets.”