Unit 6 Get to the ROOT of it!
ROOTS Root Meaning Origin init beginning Latin fin end term limit, end
initial—occurring at the beginning of something My initial reaction was to say no, but after thinking about it for a while, I decided to go to the school dance with Mary.
initiative—the power or opportunity to do something before others do; the energy and desire that is needed to do something I took initiative at my new job by starting important tasks before being asked to.
initiate—to cause or start the beginning of something; to formally accept a person as a member of a group or organization usually in a special ceremony The detectives will initiate a thorough investigation regarding the vandalism.
finale—the last part of something such as a musical performance, play, etc. We were so captivated by the air show’s finale, but also very disappointed that the end was near.
confine—to keep someone or something within limits; to prevent someone or something from going beyond a particular limit, area, etc. The teacher asked us to confine our essays to four pages in length.
finite—having limits or a limited number or amount Once we use up the Earth’s finite supply of fossil fuels, they will be gone forever.
infinitesimal—extremely small Even though the virus that causes the flu is infinitesimal, it is able to cause tremendous illness in humans.
terminate —to cause something to end; to end in a particular way or at a particular place; to take a job away from someone If you continue to miss work, your supervisor will terminate your job.
terminal—causing death eventually; leading finally to death If the cancer is terminal, then there is no medicine that will save the patient.
terminology—the special words or phrases that are used in a particular field I couldn’t understand the doctors when they used medical terminology.