Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation


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Presentation transcript:

Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation November 2017

Thematic Areas (up to now) Advanced manufacturing for energy applications 3D Printing Innovative use of non-food biomass Efficient & Sustainable Manufacturing Nano-Enabled Products Industry 4.0 Textile Innovation Medical Technology Sports Innovation Photonics Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism

64 regions involved in the Platform (so far) Regions that participate in 5 or more partnerships in GREEN Regions that participate in 2 to 4 partnerships in YELLOW Regions that participate in 1 partnership in ORANGE

Services provided (so far) 5 Vanguard pilots Textile Innovation JRC services by the S3 Platform REGIO and ReConfirm experts 2 REGIO Pilot actions KETs Observatory (value chains) Call on Strategic Cluster partnerships New COSME Action on technical assistance Discussions with the EIB and the Advisory Hub Joint Events (REGIO Open Days, RTD on 3D Printing, ECFIN on investment platforms, CoR on Tourism etc.) Web site development Industry 4.0 Sport Innovation Medical Technology Photonics Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism

Next steps Finalise all Scoping Notes and ensure an efficient transition of the support services Finalise the map analysis (KETs, Cluster Observatory, RTD/JRC mappings etc.) Start involving the industry (Reconfirm, Cluster Calls, Watify) Integrate the new REGIO pilot actions (where applicable) Launch the Technical Assistance project (by the end of the year) Continue to work with the EIB and the Advisory Hub (especially for the 5 Vanguard pilots) Work on possible cooperation between existing partnerships Work with INTERREG and Macro-regions Work on the next MMF Continue to work with any new thematic partnership; involve more regions to the existing ones

Web site