Volunteer Induction Work Health and Safety
Work Health and Safety (WHS) What is Work, Health and Safety? It’s about protecting the health and safety of people at work or who may be affected by work. Volunteers are workers. All CatholicCare staff/workers are governed by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. WHS IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY
PCBU - Kate Venables, Director A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of: workers engaged, or caused to be engaged by the person; and workers whose activities in carrying out work are influenced or directed by the person; while the workers are at work in the business or undertaking. So Kate has overall responsibility for ensuring our safety in the workplace
All Volunteers are responsible for: Identifying existing or potential hazards/risks that you may be exposed to Taking the required action to prevent you, anyone else or the job from being impacted by the risk Visitors to the work place have a similar duties to workers. They must comply with any reasonable instructions from a PCBU “as far as reasonably able” Should you see a hazard, or you become aware of something that might injure you or someone else, and you can rectify the hazard the immediately then do so. An example of this might be moving the trip hazard from the pathway. If the hazard cannot be rectified easily it will need to be reported to the either the Volunteer Coordinator or the Settlement Coordinator.
All Volunteers are responsible for: Reporting all breaches of requirements and risk exposures in accordance with CatholicCare procedures Attending training provided to improve your knowledge and understanding of compliance and risk management Visitors to the work place have a similar duties to workers. They must comply with any reasonable instructions from a PCBU “as far as reasonably able”
All Volunteers are responsible for: Obtaining information about job requirements and potential risks to yourselves and the environment. You are only asked to do work which you can perform safely. If you feel you cannot do a job safely or have any safety issues please discuss this with the Coordinator of Volunteers or the Settlement Services Coordinator immediately. Visitors to the work place have a similar duties to workers. They must comply with any reasonable instructions from a PCBU “as far as reasonably able”
Illicit Drugs and Alcohol The consumption or use of illicit drugs or alcohol is prohibited whilst performing work related tasks. The responsible consumption of alcohol is permitted at special celebrations or events. Why do we bother?
Housekeeping Please leave all work areas clean and tidy. These buildings are used by a variety of people and may include children, elderly and disabled. Walkways and corridors are not storage areas and shall remain free from obstacles and clutter. Why do we bother?
Chemicals Safety Data Sheets for all chemicals on site are kept in a folder in Hannah and Rachel’s office. These contain first aid advice. Products such as cleaning sprays or fly sprays must be kept out of reach of children. Child locks should always be used on cupboard under the kitchen sink.
Manual Handling Plan your lift: Size up the load ( eg. lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying and lowering) Plan your lift: Size up the load Ensure a clear path when moving with a load Lighten loads to be lifted Get help if necessary Don’t carry a load you can’t see over or around These movements have the potential to cause injury to muscles, the spine and other bones
Make the lift: Position yourself close to the load and balance your body Get a firm grip with your palms Bend your knees, not your back, getting your leg muscles to do the work Lift smoothly without jerking or twisting
EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE On the sound of a smoke detector alarm or a panic button alarm, volunteers and clients are to: Obey ALL instructions provide by Fire Warden Move quickly and calmly to the nearest exit Only take small personal belongings with you from your designated work area
EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE If you are in another area of the building DO NOT attempt to go back to your normal designated work area Leave prams If you can put out the fire with complete safety, then do so; if not, proceed immediately to the nearest exit Do not attempt to use the fire extinguisher if you have never been instructed to do so
EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE If you are the last person to evacuate an area close doors behind you Proceed to the Assembly Area as quickly as possible Do not attempt to re-enter the building During English classes, child minders are to bring the children’s role and first aid kit
Staff are to: Follow all instructions given by FIRE WARDEN Phone 000 if required or direct a volunteer to do so Check the toilets and offices for stragglers Direct clients and volunteers to the nearest exit Pick up the sign-in book for volunteers and clients and be the last person to leave the building
You notice someone who has mobility impairment Assist them to the nearest exit and wait When all mobile persons are clear assist the mobility impaired person out through the exit to the Assembly area Leave unnecessary mobility aids behind
Safety Measures The building is equipped with the following Safety Equipment and devices for the safety of staff, volunteers and clients: Smoke Detectors Fire Alarms Fire Extinguishers Fire Blanket - located in kitchen Emergency Evacuation Plan on all exits
Designated Assembly Area Large Tree outside TRAMS Main Office
Emergency Contact In an emergency situation (with a client in their home the TRAMS office or at another site) it is necessary to inform CatholicCare management as soon as possible. If you are off site always phone 000 if it is an emergency situation (life threatening)
Emergency Contact: Call the Volunteer Coordinator or Settlement Coordinator on 1300 477 433 If neither of these staff are available call CatholicCare and speak to Lyn Tate or Kate Venables 1300 477 433 Outside of Business Hours: Duty Officer 0448 174 548
Sign in Procedures Volunteers who work on site at TRAMS – sign in and out at front reception Volunteers who work at schools - sign in at the school administration block on arrival Wear volunteer identification
Work, Health and Safety is everybody’s responsibility. Remember Work, Health and Safety is everybody’s responsibility.