Supermarkets – Task 2 By Amy, Conan and Kieran.
Supermarkets selling and delivering through their online shops, such as Tesco Online stores are becoming more popular as you can buy the same products, including a mobile phone or tele, as you can in a street store
One pound in every ten is now spent online as web shop rise beats high street by 23% Internet purchases of clothing and footwear are up by 21% compared to a year ago, which compares to a 2.1% fall for bricks and motor outlets The weekly value of internet sales in September was £539.4 million, which equates to 9.6% of retail spending. This is up from £415.9 million a year ago, which was 7.7% of all sales
Installing 650 internet kiosks in its department stores to help it persuade high street shoppers to order products online when they can’t find them on the shelves Strong sales of laptops, linked to the start of the new academic year, and video games helped the figures