Objective- To simplify problems involving square roots and variables. Reals Perfect Squares 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 Irrationals Rationals
Where do perfect squares get their name? 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
Find the area of the square below. Find the side of the square below. 7 2 A = 16 un. 2 2 A = s A = s 2 2 2 16 = s A = 7 = 49 un. S = 4
is an irrational number and we will never know its exact value. However, = = 7 Square of Square Root Property 2 ( ) = n Simplify the following: 2 1) ( ) ) 2) 2 3)
Warning for tests and quizzes!!! If you try to use a calculator to solve the problem below, you won’t get the right answer. = (2.2360679)(2.2360679) = 4.9999996 The correct method gives... 2 = ( ) = 5
Review Solve the following: 1) x = 100 2 2) y = 19 2 3) x = 43 2