The Striped Dolphin By: Danyal Qureshi 1) Type the name of your animal 2) type your name 3) include a picture of your animal 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. By: Danyal Qureshi
A pic showing your animal. Animal Facts Description The Striped Dolphin is blue or gray. They reach up to 8 feet in length and 350 pounds in weight. They also have unique patterns or stripes Diet Dolphins are carnivores, they eat: bony fish, cephalopods and crustaceans. Movement Dolphins move their fins back and forth. Kind of like we do when we swim. 1) Type a description of your animal 2) Type whether your animal is an herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore and what does it eat? 3) text telling how your animal moves 4) pic showing your animal 5)change fonts and colors to personalize. A pic showing your animal.
Habitat Facts about the habitat! Map showing where your animal lives Picture showing your animal in its habitat. Facts about the habitat! They live in tropical seas, oceans and The Gulf of Mexico. Striped Dolphins live in bodies of water that are 52 degrees Fahrenheit to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Striped Dolphins are so big that they preserve body heat! 1) Map showing where your animal lives 2) pic of your animal in its habitat. 3) text telling where your animal lives, description of habitat, and any adaptations animal has to live in habitat 4) change fonts and colors to personalize.
Life Cycle Striped Dolphins are given live birth, only one baby is born at a time. Babies are called calves, calves are born after 12-13 months of their parents mating. A picture of the animal as a baby or young. Adult Striped Dolphins are identical to their kids but might have different stripes or patterns, and they are much bigger. 1) Info about when animal a baby 2) pic of your animal as baby or when young 3) text telling about animal changes as growing into an adult 4) pic of your animal as an adult 5) change fonts and colors to personalize. A picture of the animal as a grown/ mature animal.
Animal Interactions Striped Dolphins can blend in with their surroundings to hide from predators. Striped Dolphins have a language that they speak made of squeaks. Pic of animal adaptation that allows it to protect itself This Striped Dolphin is blending in with the water. Great White Sharks are a very common predator for dolphins. Many sharks are predators of the Striped Dolphin. Dolphins don’t quite have relationships with other animal besides dolphins. 1) Info about animal adaptation that protects your animal 2) pic and caption of an adaptation 3) text telling about another animal interaction (enemy, predator, prey, etc) 4) pic and caption of enemy, predator, prey, etc. 5) change fonts and colors to personalize. Pic of enemy, predator, prey, etc.
Striped Dolphins can jump 20 feet into the air! Interesting Facts Roller Coaster Ride Striped Dolphins can jump 20 feet into the air! Half And Half prey Dolphins can keep half of their brain asleep and one eye open to watch for predators!! A pic to accompany fact #2 Dolphin Grandpa They live up to 58 years! 1) Fact #1 and picture 2) fact #2 and picture 3) fact #3 and picture 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. A pic to accompany fact #1 A pic to accompany fact #3