Layer Management and MIBs Sections Report IEEE 802.17 RPRWG
LM Comments summary 14 comments 2 comments accepted 7 editorial: Not discussed since section editor absent 6 Technical non-binding 1 Technical binding 2 comments accepted 5 accepted-modified IEEE 802.17 RPRWG
Highlights Rename the MIB attributes in order to be consistent with other section’s abbreviations Break the table that specifies the MIB and their description into a few tables to improve readability and clarity Generalize the primitives between the management and the MAC MIB attributes so they will cover all private primitives that were defined in other sections. IEEE 802.17 RPRWG
Annex E Comments summary 11 editorial: Not discussed since section editor absent 21 Technical non-binding 2 Technical binding 7 comments accepted 10 accepted-modified 4 rejected 2 withdrawn IEEE 802.17 RPRWG
Rejected Comments #427 #40 #87 #44 Add new table. Commenter was requested to resubmit a detailed comment and proposed resolution #40 Change the index to Topology table. The proposed resolution doesn’t improve the table structure #87 MIB to support multiple ringlets. Wasn’t addressed by the group #44 Add a new object tote/deactivate the protection switching capability on SD. Alternatively, SD threshold can be set higher than SF. IEEE 802.17 RPRWG
Highlights Release the MIBs to the IETF after it will be completed Should the IEEE802.17 provide a separate ascii file of the MIB tables Incorporate references from the MIBs description to the relevant sections in the draft Add Total statistics tables to the MIB. OAM clause will determine optionally of the intervals vs. total statistics MIB attributes will follow changes in the drafts IEEE 802.17 RPRWG