Unit 23 LO1 Joe Hayes (click on the camera icon to see the camera shot and to get to the next slide)
Camera layout of a music event
Behind the standing crowd camera At the back or in the middle of the crowd this camera is here to get an interesting shot of the stage with the top of the crowd in the shot in case there are any hand movements that create a artistic shot.
Camera layout of a music event
Side of to the stage and audience The camera here is meant to get an overall shot of the whole concert with the stage, crowd and lighting effects.
Camera layout of a music event
In front of the stage In font of the stage looking at the band is what the people at the front of the crowd will be able to but for the people who aren’t there this camera is here to get the front of the crowd experience.
Camera layout of a music event
Crowd camera by the stage This camera is placed at the front of the crowed looking at the crowd's reactions to the music, the camera will be on a track witch allows it to move left and right to capture the best shots.
Camera layout of a music event
Side on the stage The side on camera for the stage is there to simply capture the people on stage and to get the details witch the audience can not see.
Camera layout of a music event
Standing level camera This camera is places on the standing level of the concert to capture the feel of the standing crowd and to get a upwards view on anything that might be coming down from the top of the venue such as bellows or confetti. This camera can also capture the light show from the stage plus the musicians.
Camera layout of a music event
Backstage camera This backstage camera is here to catch what is not normally seeing my the crowd and allows the viewers to watch the drummer play this kit while watching the mass crowd.
Camera layout of a music event
Camera on an extender This camera is on an extender just like in the image witch gives a interesting view point from up high of the stage and crowd. It is easy to move around and can more quite quickly meaning that it can be moved to take a citron shot really effectively.
Camera layout of a concert
Concert example – Green Day
Studio Show example – Have I Got News For You
Camera layout of Studio filming
Wide shot of all gusts and presenters This shot is so the views to get a hole picture about what is going on in the show and to see all the members all at once.
Camera layout of Studio filming
Straight on view This shot is so the audience gets a nice shot plainly of the host and it is used when the host is introducing someone or something.
Camera layout of Studio filming
Close up shot This shot is so the audience can have a detailed shot of the people on the show they are watching to get the best out of the reactions the people have.
Describe and analyse coverage of action The way that the coverage of the action is dealt with is to keep the audience's interest in what they are watching such as changing the camera shot constantly or just enough so that they never get bored. If there is a curtain peace of action that will grip their attention such as the main singer talking to the audience or the host of a show talking then the camera generally focuses on them until they have finished talking.
Describe and analyse communicating meaning to the viewer The communicating meaning to the viewer is done by the why the camera shots change from one to another allowing the viewer to be almost tricked into thinking something has happened but really it was just suggesting a sequence of events with the different shot.
Describe and analyse visual style The visual style is normally different for different shows and concerts to give the right impact that is wanted to give such as a breakfast show would keep it slow pasted and steady to attract to their target audience, where as a concerts visual style would keep in time and with the right style with the type of music being preformed.
Describe and analyse maintaining viewer interest It isn’t easy keeping the viewers interest for a show that doesn’t have a very interesting vibe towards it but it is done my using the tings that are interesting and by keeping the shot constantly changing
Describe and analyse constraints of studio or location environment The constraints of a studio are simply that the show is all shot in the studio therefore the surrounding are always the same but it is possible to overcome this constraint by adding different shots taking in different places that are often filmed at an earlier date but in the case of a news show they broadcast their filming back to the studio from where that action is that they are filming.
Describe and analyse multi-camera simultaneous recording An example of simultaneous recording is the camera recording in a TV based studio where all the cameras are on and recording all the time and transmitting to the control room where the camera shots are chosen between each of them to get the right shot to go on air.
End of side show