The Abolition Movement
The Second Great Awakening A religious revival that swept the nation Protestant Preachers believed that America was becoming Immoral. Birth a number of Social reforms, including abolition. Christians Viewed slavery as a “Moral Dilemma”
Abolition: Emancipation: Gradualism: Colonization: Necessary Evil: Background Abolition: End of Slavery Emancipation: Freeing of slaves Gradualism: gradually end slavery by starting in the North and slowly moving down South Colonization: Send slaves back to Africa Necessary Evil: Slavery was a economic boost The south argued that the emergence of cotton as the most important cash crop in the country made slaves necessary.
White Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison The Grimke Sisters Editor of The Liberator wanted the immediate emancipation of slaves The Grimke Sisters Quakers against slavery who preached and lectured about the parallels of slaves and women
White Resistance Gag Rule Most white Northerners disliked Southerners, but wanted to stay out of the slave controversy. The Southern politicians enacted the GAG rule in order to prohibit debate and discussion in Congress on the subject of slavery. The Northerners supported this law and it was renewed every year for eight years.
Nat Turner’s Rebellion Nat Turner, a black slave and preacher, led the most famous slave revolt in United States history In 1831, Turner and from 60 to 70 other slaves killed about 60 whites in Virginia. The victims included the family of Joseph Travis, Turner's owner Whites retaliated Feared an uprising from slaves killed 200 blacks Most were innocent with no connection to the uprising.
Black Abolitionist Frederick Douglass: Born a slave (escaped), Douglass became a noted reformer, author, and orator. He devoted his life to the abolition of slavery and the fight for black rights. Sojourner Truth: Born Isabella Baumfree former slave who gave powerful speeches about abolition which held her audiences spellbound. David Walker: free black man who said that slavery was un-Christian and un-American, supported violence and rebellion to end slavery