It’s much more than hunger


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Presentation transcript:

It’s much more than hunger WHY PEOPLE EAT It’s much more than hunger

sports friends needs work family media leisure culture goals laws WHY PEOPLE EAT FOOD Final Trivia Physical Social Emotional Intellectual Economical problems sports friends needs economy decisions work family wants media leisure culture attitude goals education laws health peers feelings technology stress wellness religion research income

Eating enough food to enhance performance SPORTS Eating enough food to enhance performance Getting enough calories to have plenty of energy

sports Eating the right amount of healthy food will give you a … CHANCE TO WIN!

Having popcorn and soda at the movies Eating pizza while watching LEISURE Having popcorn and soda at the movies Eating pizza while watching A DVD.

LEISURE Eating snack foods at a party

Drinking coffee on a break AT WORK Going out to lunch Vs. Bringing your lunch Drinking coffee on a break

AT WORK Vending machine snack or Doughnuts

Eating foods due to health issues: High blood pressure Heart disease diabetes

Drinking plenty of water HEALTH Eating to gain or lose WEIGHT Drinking plenty of water To stay hydrated

WELLNESS Eating organically grown food to avoid pesticides

Avoiding processed and WELLNESS Avoiding processed and fast foods for good health

Eating ice cream because FRIENDS Eating ice cream because everyone else is Eating at fast food restaurant

FRIENDS Trading food at lunch Buying name brands to be cool

FAMILY Cultural food Traditional foods

FAMILY Likes vs. dislikes Eating habits of the family

Turkey for THANKSGIVING CULTURE Turkey for THANKSGIVING Wedding cake Birthday cake

Culture Candy at Halloween Easter baskets Valentine’s Day chocolates

Global Donating food to the homeless Food bank and shelters

Global Sending food to other countries

Fasting during Ramadan religion No meat during Lent Fasting during Ramadan Muslims don’t eat pork

The cow is sacred in India Jewish Orthodox don’t eat meat and dairy religion The cow is sacred in India Jewish Orthodox don’t eat meat and dairy in the same meal

decisions What to buy? Where to shop? What to have for dinner? What time to eat?

taste/ cost/ convenience decisions Who to eat with? Where to eat? Why? taste/ cost/ convenience

problems Likes and dislikes Health concerns

problems Too busy/ no time Money problems Who pays? Reasons people become vegetarians

To live an long and healthy life attitude Eat whatever you want, Who cares how healthy Vs Eat only healthy foods To live an long and healthy life

attitude Save foods with low nutritional value for parties and special occasions

Being too excited to eat feelings HAPPY Being too excited to eat

Being too unhappy to eat feelings Sad Being too unhappy to eat

Food comforts and soothes stress Food comforts and soothes Food nurtures Food is a friend

stress Food allows people to “numb out” from a difficult world Food is emotionally addictive

Satisfying physical needs Meeting hunger needs Satisfying physical needs

needs Meeting your need for WATER To satisfy your thirst

wants Wanting flavorful food Wanting food to look attractive Wanting something crunchy or smooth

wants Wanting something cold on a hot day or hot on a cold day. Wanting to eat out. Wanting to save time or money.

goals To be healthy To be active To save money

Goals To save the environment To have clean water (Run off from manure can pollute water supplies.Also it takes about 390 gal.of H2O to produce a lb. of beef) To grow more crops (For each lb.of meat we produce we lose 5 lb. topsoil) It takes 10x more energy to produce +transport livestock than veg. Veggies taste good! Veggies cost less

laws Food labeling Calories -nutrients ingredients

Keeping our food safe to eat laws Food and Drug Administration Keeping our food safe to eat

research Genetic research to improve crops and nutrition

Chemically altered foods to improve shelf life research Chemically altered foods to improve shelf life How to increase production

When supply goes up, prices go down. When supply goes down, The economy When supply goes up, prices go down. When supply goes down, prices go up.

Using food stamps from the The economy Not having the money to buy food for the family Using food stamps from the government

media ADVERTISING Slogans Jingles Computer images commercials

Celebrity endorsements media Celebrity endorsements Ronald McDonald encouraging children to eat fast food

education, the healthier the food choices they will make. The higher a person education, the healthier the food choices they will make.

education Nutrition education helps people make better choices

Technology Fancy packaging New looks Creative shapes

When the price of gas goes up so does the cost of food technology Transportation costs, When the price of gas goes up so does the cost of food

income How much a person can spend on groceries depends on income. Buying ground beef instead of steak Tuna vs lobster

income Going out to eat. The type of restaurants people can afford. Having a budget Buy 2 get one Free

Get Ready Final Trivia Final Trivia

What is the answer to… PAPER OR PLASTIC

Final Trivia BYOB Bring Your Own Bag cloth or canvas

Did you know ? It takes 14 million trees to make all the Paper bags we use… This leads to 70% more pollution It takes 12 million barrel of oil to make all the Plastic bags we use… these threaten wild life and Creates 4 x the solid waste … and can last up to… ONE THOUSAND YEARS !!