Discussion - Establishing new requirements on the ROLO/GIRO application Sébastien Wagner (EUMETSAT) Tom Stone (USGS) Sophie Lachérade, Bertrand Fougnie (CNES) Jack Xiong (NASA)
What to do with GIRO? What is the purpose of the GIRO tool? Tool to be used for: validation? Cross-calibration / cross-comparisons? Understanding better the instrument lunar calibration system? The objectives will drive the needs/requirements for how to share GIRO The publically available reference version of the ROLO? What to share? Application (.exe) Source Code => Version control implications Who can have access? Participants ( = providing data)? Calibration community (GSICS, CEOS-IVOS)? Open Access (access via an unprotected webpage [following GSICS principles])? 4. Can GSICS Wiki host the GIRO? Or GitHub, etc…? Selection of Developers?
GIRO usage policy Usage policy = driven by the answers to the previous questions Within the group who has access, need for agreeing on principles when using other people data: Please acknowledge GIRO developers + GSICS?
What further Development to GIRO are needed? About the GIRO: does it fulfil your needs? What else do you need? How can it be improved? E.g. From Tom: QUESTION: Should the GIRO be able to accommodate a pre-processing of the DC imagettes, such as Masaya needs? QUESTION: can the GIRO be modified to use Moon disk down-track size (Y-size) as an input (this would serve in place of the oversampling factor)
Suggestions for GIRO_PERT Time perturbations Including orbital propagation through SPICE Multiplicative noise To avoid adding out of band response Space Count offset How to implement?
How to roll-out lunar irradiance model improvements? Hopefully our datasets will lead to improved lunar irradiance model... What are the likely timelines? How to roll these out in the GIRO?