Pediatric Fellows’ Day Case Submission General guidelines and slide template **This slide deck must be used for submission**
What makes a good case? Interesting differential diagnosis Diagnostic or treatment dilemma Well organized case presentation and submission Likely to generate good discussion Cases with excellent images are preferred
General Guidelines Use PIDS template for submission May duplicate or add slides as needed Minimum 24 size font Bullet points should not end with periods
General Guidelines Less is more Remember time limit 6-7 lines of text per slide Use clear, precise and simple English Remember time limit 5 minutes for case presentation 5 minutes for final diagnosis and teaching points
Bullet points are better than paragraphs “Fat text” (bad) The ideal anesthetic should quickly make the patient unconscious but allow a quick return to consciousness, have few side effects, and be safe to handle. “Lean text” (good) Ideal anesthetics – Quick sedation – Quick recovery – Few side effects – Safe to handle
Case Title This and following slides must be used for submission Add slides as needed & arrange order as appropriate for the case Do not include name or affiliation for submission
Case Presentation Succinctly summarize the patient presentation No patient identifiers
Patient History Medical/surgical history Family history Epidemiologic history Include pertinent positives and negatives Avoid nonstandard abbreviations
Physical examination Include vital signs and relevant physical exam findings Normal findings can be spoken, but do not need to be included on the slide Consider highlighting important findings in bold or red
Relevant Labs Be sure to include units and reference range Consider highlighting important findings in bold or red
Consider including a legend to explain the image Relevant Images Relevant images can improve your submission Physical findings Radiologic imaging Histopathology Select images critically Consider including a legend to explain the image If images of physical findings are shown the fellow must obtain and keep on file a signed consent form from the patient or legal guardian
Black background may work best for displaying radiologic images
Differential Diagnosis List 5 differential diagnoses in alphabetical order, including the correct one Diagnoses should be plausible Species names should be italicized Avoid nonstandard abbreviations *
Final Diagnosis Reveal the diagnosis Briefly discuss how the diagnosis was determined Review the case management and outcome
Teaching Points Highlight interesting teaching points Presentation Diagnosis Management Avoid excess jargon Look closely for misspellings or grammatical errors Add slides as necessary
Acknowledgments For final presentations only. Do not include acknowledgements in submission.