Particle Theory
Particles in different states
Changes of State Solid Melting Sublimation Freezing Condensation Liquid Gas Evaporation
1) All matter is made up of tiny particles that have empty spaces between them. The Particle Theory
2) Different substances are made up of different kinds of particles The Particle Theory
3) Particles are in constant motion The Particle Theory
4) The particles of a substance move faster as its temperature increases The Particle Theory
5) Particles attract each other The Particle Theory
Atom vs. Molecule A molecule consists of two or more atoms held together in a definite arrangement by very strong chemical bonds. Examples: Oxygen (O2), Water (H20), The atom is the basic unit of matter. It is composed of subatomic particles called electrons, neutrons and protons. Different elements are simply atoms with a different number of protons, neutrons and electrons Examples: Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Copper (Cu)
Element vs. Compound An element is a pure substance consisting of one type of atom. Elements appear in the periodic table. Examples: Helium (He), Nitrogen (N), Carbon (C), etc. A compound is a pure substance consisting of two or more different elements. They can be separated into simpler substances by chemical reactions. Examples: Salt (NaCl), Water (H20), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), etc.
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